
英文中 When pigs fly是什么意思

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[女生说处cp是什么意思]CP是配对的意思,表示人物配对关系,本意是指有恋爱关系的同人配对。网络上常说的处CP是其实就是“在一起,处情侣”的意思。女生说处CP,可能是想让你做TA的另一半哦! CP是配对的意...+阅读

猪不会飞!这是不可能准确表示其意思。例如:你听过某人说:「Do you think Mary will quit her job now that she's pregnant?」另一个人则回答:「Yeah, when pigs fly! There is no way she is giving up her career!」当他/她使用这个表达方式when pigs fly意思是说Mary要辞去她的职务是不可能的事情。Get in someone's hair 如果你get in someone's hair,你还没有爬到他们的头上,反而它的意思是说打扰他们-如果是侵犯到他们个人的空间。

例如:"Susan was trying to prepare dinner, but her children were getting in her hair!"这个意思是Susan的孩子们在她煮菜的时候打扰她。如果某人打扰你,你可以告诉他们:「Get out of my hair!」 Hit the ceiling 天花板离我们的头有一段距离,所以要碰到它并不容易-除非你在生气!如果某人hits the ceiling意思是说他们的反应非常生气。例如:「When Carol's son got an F on his report card, she hit the ceiling!」意思是说Carol大发雷霆,当她的儿子功课太差。

Bite the bullet Drive someone up a wall 车子无法开到墙上,那谁可以drive you up a wall呢?当某人恼怒你时,你就有可能!例如:「My mom is driving me up a wall! She won't ever let me stay out late.」意思是要面对我妈就感到极度生气,她不让我在外面逗留太晚。"When pigs fly?" Now that just doesn't make sense. When did pigs grow wings? Yet, to a native English speaker, it makes total sense. The phrase when pigs fly is a great example of an idiom, or an expression that has a meaning completely different from that of the words of which it is composed. Let's take a look at some amusing idioms!When pigs fly Pig's can't fly! It's impossible, which is precisely what the expression means. For example, you hear someone say, "Do you think Mary will quit her job now that she's pregnant?" Another person responds, "Yeah, when pigs fly! There is no way she is giving up her career!" When he or she used the expression when pigs fly, it means that it's impossible that Mary will quit her job.Get in someone's hair If you get in someone's hair, you haven't climbed up onto their head! Instead, it means you are bothering them ?perhaps invading their personal space. For example, "Susan was trying to prepare dinner, but her children were getting in her hair!" This means Susan's kids were bothering her when she was cooking. If someone is bothering you, you can tell them, "Get out of my hair!" Hit the ceiling The ceiling is quite far above our heads, so it's not easy to hit it ?unless you're angry! If someone hits the ceiling it means they are reacting very angrily. For example, "When Carol's son got an F on his report card, she hit the ceiling!" This mean Carol was furious when her son failed a class.Knock someone's socks off Now, it might be possible to pull someone's socks off ?but how do you knock them off? By impressing and exciting them of course! For example, "You should see Tom's new car! It'll knock your socks off, it's so amazing!" This means Tom's car is very impressive!Bite the bullet How would a bullet taste if you tried to bite it? Not very good. So why does someone bite the bullet? They do it when they bravely endure or face a difficult situation. For example, "She had to bite the bullet and give in to her boss's unreasonable demands." This means she acted bravely when faced with her boss's unfair requests.


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