

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[有什么欢快的英文歌很好听的吗]Sinead O Connor《A Perfect Indian》伊凡塞斯《My Immortal 》灵云乐队《forever》lube《Davai Za》Green Day 《Boulevard Of Broken Dreams》Def Leppard《Long Long Way...+阅读

here is a summary of what I know about my health condition


background 病史(不要一看到background 就翻译为“背景”!)

as a very young baby i had a blockage of my pyloric valve. i couldn't

eat or digestfood. major surgery at two months old. May have left

some internal scarring.


i have had a difficult and stressful life, and have kept a lot of

stress and unhappiness in my body in order to be able to function well

in the world. as a result i have some stress-related health problems.


i have in the past been diagnosed with colitis, iirritable bowel

syndrome, and gluten intolderance. all these things combine to give

me chronic intestinal trouble. at a certain point in my life i also

was a heavy drinker (no longer) and that did some damage.


now at 63 i have a damaged gut and wonder if anything can be done to help me



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