

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[对不起某人对某人感到很抱歉英语怎么说]对不起某人 :say sorry to sb. say sorry to 表示对某人很抱歉,对不起某人,在英语中为固定用法。to后面接具体的人称词。 例句: 1、Before you pass in front of someone, you s...+阅读

Yes I need this. pls see below.


We need two kinds of paper roll`s to be produced. Roll type 1 and type 2.


We need for you to finish the whole roll (please see the powerpoint description) by producing, assemble and pack and send it.


Roll type 1:

It must be :


Airlaid (50gsm + PE Film) with a good and fast absorbent abillity, white airlaid with print in 3 colors on each sheet, and with a Maximum diameter pr. roll : 6 - 6,5cm and with lamination (waterproff)

Airlaid(50gsa+PE Film)要有一个好及快的吸收能力,白色的airlaid 每面要印刷3种颜色,且每对roll最高直径:6-6.5cm.且是薄板(防水的)

Wide : 35cm 宽35cm

Perforation after 40cm. ( one sheet will be 35cm x 40cm)

40cm 后穿孔(每面将是35cmX40cm)

Minimum 50 sheet`s pr roll. ( minimum 50 sheet`s a roll within 6,5 cm diameter ...IMPORTENT)


Roll type 2 :

Paper 24 gsm + PE film same size on the roll but 70-80 sheet`s a roll.

纸24 gsm + PE film与roll的尺码一样大,但每roll 70-80片

Still max. diameter on 6cm.


It`s important that the material and the way the roll`s are produced, that they are friendly to the environment and that they are biodegradable. We also hope you have sertificates and documentation to show this. (international sertificate and standard)

roll 的原材料及生产方法非常重要,它们应是环保及能进行生物降解的。我们也希望你有与这方面相关的证件及文件资料。(是国际的证明和标准)



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