

12月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语短文改错题]答案是: 第二行删除the 改为 lose weight 2. consulting 改为 consult 3.balancing 改为balanced 4.so 改为but 5.provide 改为offer 6.who 改为that或者which 7.fruit 改为f...+阅读


一、表示从过去某时开始并延续到现在,并且有可能继续延续下去。通常要求使用具有延续意义的动作,如be, live, stay, work,…等。使用这些动词的现在完成时,常带表示时间长度的状语或起止的时间状语。[考例1] ---How are you today?---Oh, I ________ as ill as I do now for a very long time. (NMET 2000) A. didn't feel B. wasn't feel C. don't feel D. haven't feel [分析]答案:D。从句子意思可知,从过去某个时候开始,已经病了很长时间了。后面带有表示时间长度的状语for a very long time。[考例2] They ________ friends since they met in Shanghai. A. have made B. have become C. have been D. have turned [分析]答案:C。since they met in Shanghai表示时间的跨度,因此谓语动词需用延续性动词。

二、表示过去结束而影响至今的动作,通常使用不具有延续意义的动作,如:arrive, become, begin, break, cut, give, go, meet, see,…等。[考例1]All the preparations for the task __________, and we are ready to start. (2000年春季) A. completed B. complete C. had been completed D. have been completed [分析]答案:D。现在完成时表示过去所做的事对现在的影响。从后句and we've ready to start的意思可知,一切准备工作已经就绪,可以开始工作了。[考例2] ---_____________ my glasses?----Yes, I saw them on your bed a minute ago. (NMET 1996) A. Do you see B. Had you seen C. Would you see D. Have you seen [分析]答案:D。这句话的意思是:“你见到我的眼镜了吗?”“是的,我刚才见眼镜在你的床上。”现在完成时除了表示已经完成的动作外,还表示过去发生的事对现在的影响。问话人问话的目的是希望对方现在知道眼镜的位置,所以要用现在完成时。这类动词在肯定句中一般不与表示延续意义的时间状语连用,但他们的否定句可与表示延续意义的时间状语连用。如:1)Tom hasn't heard from Jane since March.2)I haven't seen Smith up to now.

三、表示从过去直到包括现在在内的这段时间中反复发生的动作或多次出现的状态,常接表示频率的状语。如:always, daily, often, repeatedly, usually, every month, on Sundays, time and time again, several times等。[考例]You don't need to describe her. I ________ her several times. (NMET 1995) A. had met B. have met C. met D. meet [分析]答案:B。根据don't的时态及several times可知,“到现在为止我已经遇到过她多次”,故应用现在完成时。在含有many times, several times, some times, three times的句子中,谓语动词要用现在完成时。再如:I have been to Shanghaithree times.(我去过上海三次。)

四、表示过去发生的动作和存在的状态,但时间不确定,可以不带时间状语。[考例]The price ________, but I doubt whether it will remain so. (NMET 1999) A. went down B. will go down C. has gone down D. was going down [分析]答案:C。虽然没有时间状语,但从后句意思可知,物价已经下降,所以要用现在完成时。

五、现在完成时常于already,yet和still连用。肯定句中常用already, still,否定句和疑问句中常用yet。[考例1]---Who is Jerry Cooper?---___________? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting. (NMET 1997) A. Don't you meet him yet B. Hadn't you met him yet C. Didn't you meet him yet D. Haven't you met him yet [分析]答案:D。该句表示“到现在为止你还没有遇到他吗?”,显然要用现在完成时态。[考例2]Every possible means __________ to prevent the air pollution, but the sky is still not clear. (2000年上海春季) A. is used B. are used C. has been used D. have been used [分析]答案:C。本题考查名词的单复数和现在完成时的用法。根据句中still这个副词判断出是做过的事情,故应使用现在完成时。

六、在句型It's the first (last, second, third…) time (that)…中,常用现在完成时态。[考例] ---Do you know our town at all?----No, this is the first time I __________ here. (MET 1992) A. was B. am coming C. came D. have been [分析]答案:D。表示第几次到某地要用现在完成时。Came here和was here表达相同的意思,都是过去曾经来过。与第一次来这儿矛盾;am coming here表示正在来或将要来。


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