
雅思口语2014 1 12

12月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[能不能请教下你当初的雅思瓶颈期是如何过去的]我的瓶颈从6到7,中间花了2个月的时间,只能说多做练习吧,每天都在练英语,每天大概按照这样的流程:早上8点-9点 背单词 9点-12点做一套题的听力和阅读部分,一定要计时,模拟考试场景,并...+阅读



Part One:

1. Time management

2. Trains and travel

3. Rains and the changes of weather

4. Pets and wild animanls

5. Language

6. Music

7. Shopping

8. Dictionary

Still a must:

9. Studiesor work



Part Two

1. Describea friend you haven't been in contact with for a long time.

2. Describethe most intelligent person you have ever met.

3. Describean interesting actor you like.

4. Describea building in your city or town.

5. Describe someone who took a photo of you.

6. Describe a place where you learned another culture.

7. Describe a time when you traveled to a place far from home.

8. Describesomething you would like to save money for/you saved money for.

9. Describe a popular product from the region which you come from.

10.Describea gift you received when you were a child.

11.Descirbea class/session you have taken in your school, a night school or a trainingschool.

12.Describea situation when you forgot to do an important thing.

13.Describesomething interesting that you did with an old person of your family.

14.Describea positive experience of yours when you were a teenager.

15.Describean event that changed your life./Describe a time when you made an importantchange to your life.

16.Describea successful advertisement you are familiar with.


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