

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大学英语专业的考试都有哪些]英语专业是要考专四和专八的。 专四一般在大二四月份(周末考),部分学校会要求必须考,甚至不及格就拿不到毕业证,主要是为了学校的教学质量和名声而制定的措施。 专八是在大四三月...+阅读

A: Good afternoon, superstar, how are you?

B: Good, I am fine, thank you.

C: Can you answer these few questions we are about to ask?

B: Is it going to be personal?

A: Oh, of course not. Ready?

B: Mhm.

C: So, if there were one chance you could change on decision you had made in the past ,what would it be ?

B: When my mother is sick, I shouldn't have left her.

A: And why is that?

B: Because then she wouldn't get worse and pass away so soon.

C: Oh, I am sorry, then what would you have done?

A: And why is that?

B: I don't know, if I stayed with her I wouldn't be a superstar right now, but if I didn't, the problem would just be the same.

C: Life have decisions that you need to make, paths that you need to take.

A: That's right! Then let me ask you this question again, if there were one chance you could change on decision you had made in the past ,what would it be ?

B: It would be my mother again, when we were poor, I shouldn't have used up all her money.

C: What would you do instead?

B: I would save it up and heal her when she's sick. That links to the decision I made before.

C: Yes, I understand, I had the same experience too.

A: Well, I think this interview went well, be sure to watch it on channel six tommorow at noon time.

B: I will, and I will remember those paths I took in life too.

C: Thank you!

B: No, thank you!

A: Anyways, we have to go now. Bye!

C: Bye!

B: Bye!



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