

12月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[托班英语教案幼儿园老师进]幼儿英语教学涉及最基本的英语基础知识就可以了,如二十六个英文字母,日常生活中出现的频率最高的单词如水果,动物,身体部位,食物等的名称,最常见的日常对话,包括问候,告别等等。 有...+阅读

Sports A: Have you notice the advertisements about keeping fit posted on the webside or on TV? B: Certainly, too many beautiful words as I doubt whether what the advertisements say is ture. A: Acturally I don't think highly of the ways mentioned on the advertisements, because in my opinion, having sports is the healthiest way of keeping fit, what do you think of it? B: Yeah, I agree with you. It's not wise for people to take the risk of keeping fit by taking the dietic tea or having some liposuction operations. A: As for me, I think before doing sports, we should make a sports plan. In spite of this, we also need to mind our diet. It's better for us to make some diet plans, too. B: I appreciate your healthy way of keeping fit. By the way, do you have any good suggestions on what kind of sports to take? A: Aerobics are good choices. You can't espect to take take too high intensive exercise at the very beginning. The better exercises are jogging and swimming. B: That sounds workable, what aboout the diet? Should I go for a vegetarian diet? A: As a matter of fact, you don't need to. It doesn't necessarilly mean that you don't can't have meat. You just need to pay more attention to your diet. Keeping a good balance is a the premise. B: That's quite good. I really love your way of keeping fit.


幼儿园中班动物英语教案单词:mouse eagle egg. 故事:one day,a mouse wants to steal an eagle's egg.the eagle says:"don't touch my eggs."the mouse says:"heihei,you can't catch me, i can run.yo...

如何引导托班幼儿学习英语一、英语生活化,生活英语化,注重随机教育。 随机教育在日常生活中大量体现着。幼儿从早晨入园,礼仪岗的老师就会以热情地态度,友好地和幼儿打招呼:“Hello! Good morning! How do...

小班英语教案 i have car活动目标:能运用I have句型进行简单对话 活动准备:图片--鸭,鸡,鱼,狮子,等等 活动过程: 一,开始部分 1.greeting:Good morning /Good afternoon 2.律动:show your finger ,follow me...

推荐几部英文电影学英语特别推荐一部Dead Poets Society 里面涉及不少诗歌什么的 而且影片非常经典 很多地方我都会背 还有一部scent of a woman 主演是声音巨性感的Al Pacino 尤其是最后一段的演...


日常的实用英语短句1. How are you doing?(你好吗?) 2. I'm doing great.(我过得很好。) 3. What's up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?) 4. Nothing special.(没什么特别的。) 5. Hi. Long time no see....

关于英语日常句子1.我可以和你照张照片吗? can i take a photo with you? may i take a photo with you? would you mind taking a photo with you?(这个礼貌点,初次见面或者是不太熟悉最好就用...

如何训练儿童的英语听力你好! 很多考生都认为自己跟不上听力速度,对于需要大量时间来练习的听力,考试而言,锻炼雅思听力速度是一个必要的过程。那么该如何提高雅思听力速度呢?下面为大家介绍一些相关的...

