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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

共同进退 Being Fit Together

For every girl, they are annoyed by the overweigh problem all the time. Looking at the beautiful models shinning everywhere, who can resist the charm. The story about a girl lost her weight for love inspired so many people to be fit. Being fit for love is the best motivation.


The girl is named Claire, she was born to be fat. She just could not stop eating the food that contained a lot fat, such as ice cream, fired chips and so on. As she was so different from other girls, she was alone for a very long time until a handsome boy was attracted by her beautiful soul. Finally the boy proposed, but Claire was self-debased, she decided to lose weigh and then said yes.


Claire worked so hard to lose weight, she refused to the food she liked. She went to the gym every day. She eat the anic food. When ten months passed, claire lost more than 80 pounds, she became an attractive girl and said yes to her boyfriends propose. When the couple took pictures, the girl were surprised, for the boy also trained his body just to pany her.


Love her, then being fit with her, thats a direct way to show love.


最新的《美国队长》 The Newest American Captain

The movie American Captain is very popular around the world, many children treat the protagonist as their hero. The image of American Captain stands for America, he presents justice and peace to the world. While the newest series shows me a different opinion about this great man.


In the newest series American Captain, this great man still try to fight against the bad guys and maintain the world peace with his powerful team. While the problem es during their missions, the team causes so many death and the loss of the public property. Then American Captain was asked to sign a deal to limit their movements but he refused.



I am always a big fan of these ic books, but the newest movie shows me the unacceptable idea of the great man. The responsibility should always e first for the hero, such as batman and superman, they treat the peoples lives in the first place. They will feel very guilty for causing the loss of the public property. So fighting for peace doesnt mean the big man dont he to consider the bad results he brings.


当我退休了 When I am Retired

My parents always talk about their retired life, they he portrayed their retired life all the time and they look forward to it. My parents think they are so busy when they are working and they need to enjoy life when they are old. I am affected by them, though some of their views I will not agree, I think of my retired life sometimes.


When I am retired, the first thing I would like to do is to trel and take adventures. Working hour will surely occupy my life and I need to make my ends meet, so there is no doubt that when I am young, my time focus on work. Retired life means that I he stored certain amount of money and I can go to any place I want.


The second thing I want to do is to open a coffee shop. I can spend my hour to talk to all kinds of people and share their stories, I can give them my sincere suggestion. Being a listener and making friends are wonderful life for an old people.


I will not wait for my retired life, so before that stage es, I will enjoy every moment.




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读《英语广场》有感作者:王姣姣 ] 偶然的一次机会看到了《英语广场》这本杂志,翻来看看里面的内容还是很不错的,于是到网上查阅的一些有关这本杂志的信息,它是一本创刊十几年的杂志英汉对照、难度...



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