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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


1. ---I’ve bought a box of chocolates for our daughter.

---Oh, how good a dad! But she doesn’t like sweet things, _____that?

A. Don’t you know B. Hen’t you known

C. Didn’t you know D. Hadn’t you known

2. ---He you decided already?---Yes, I ____at once.

A. he decided B. decided C. will decide D. had decided

3. Glad to see you back. How long _____in Russia?

A. did you stay B. he you stayed C. were you staying D. he you been staying

4. He works in a factory now, but he _____ on a farm for 20 years.

A. worked B. has worked C. had worked D. had been working

5. Where on earth he you been? We _____ you back much earlier.

A. were expecting B. are expecting C. had expected D. expect

6. ---I beg your pardon!---Oh, you _____ to me carefully. (just now)

A. didn’t B. hen’t listened C. don’t listen D. weren’t listening

7. ---Mr. White didn’t e last night, did he?---No. We ______ .

A. had waited B. he been waiting C. were waiting D, had been waiting

8. ---Could you take a message for Mr. Green?

---Certainly. I _____ him about something at any case, so it _____ may other.

A. may see; isn’t B. see; won’t be C. will see; isn’t D. will be seeing; won’t be

9. ---Who is the old man talking with your teacher? ---I don’t know. I _____ him before.

A. was never seeing B. had never seen C. never saw D. wouldn’t see

10. I can guess you were in a hurry. You ______ your sweater inside out.

A. had worn B. wore C. are wearing D. were wearing

11. Going out for tea with friends _____ increasingly popular during the past twenty years.

A. bees B. became C. has bee D. had bee

12. As far as we know, Tom spends at least as much time watching TV as he ______ .

A. does writing B. writes C. writing D. does to write

13. ---I hope you enjoyed the film last night.

---How on earth do you know I went to a film? I ______ you.

A. won’t tell B. didn’t C. hen’t told D. don’t tell

14. Turn off the tap please. The water _______ .

A. was wasted B. wastes C. is wasting D. is wasted

15. ---I thought I asked you to fix the radio. ---Oh, I’m sorry. I ______ it right away.

A. am to do B. will do C. was about to do D. am going to do.

16. ---The farmer president was caught at last. ---Really? Where _____ himself?

A. had hidden B. has he hidden C. was he hidden D. has he been hiding


1.Were it not for the snowy weather, we __________all right.

A. would be B. would he been C. were D. may be

2. ________more careful, his ship would not he sunk.

A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been

C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would he been

3. If he _________ me tomorrow, I would let him know.

A. should call B. should not he been able

C. were not able D. are not able

4. If you asked your father, you ______________ permission.

A. may get B. might get C. should he called D. maybe get

5. _____________today, he would get there by Friday.

A. Would he lee B. Was he leing

C. Were he to lee D. If he lees

6. ______I you, I would go with him to the party.

A. Was B. Had been C. Will be D. Were

7. Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he ____________our chairman now.

A. must he been B. would he been C. were D. would be

8. ____________ the English examination I would he gone to the concert last Sunday

A. In spite of B. But for C. Because of D. As for

9. Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I _____________your advice

A. follow B. would follow C. had followed D. he followed

10. If the horse won today, it _____________ thirty races in five years.

A. would he won B. won C. must he won D. did he won

11. There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _______a sudden loud noise.

A. being there B. should there be C. there was D. there hing been

12. If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d______________ there by now.

A. be B. circles C. is circling D. be circling

13. I wish I ___________ with her.

A. would be B. am C. was D. were

14. The picture exhibition bored me to death. I wish I_______________ to it.

A. had not gone B. he not gone C. did not go D. can not he gone

15. Gee would certainly he attended the meeting, ____________________ .

A. if he didn’t get a flat tire B. if the flat tire hadn’t happened

C. had he not had a flat tire D. had the tire not flattened itself

16. The teacher suggested that her students _____________ experiences with ESP.

A. write a position on their B. to write position about the

C. wrote some positions of his or her D. had written any positions for his

17. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ______________a Chinese.

A. were B. had been C. is D. has been

18. Looking round the town, he felt as though he ______________ away for ages.

A. has been B. was C. is D. had been

19. Most insurance agents would rather you ___________ anything about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.

A. do B. don’t C. didn’t D. didn’t do

20. It is important that the TOEFL office ________ your registration.

A. will confirm B. confirm C. confirms D. must confirm

21. Without electronic puters, much of today’s advanced technology __________.

A. will not he been achieved B. he not been achieved

C. would not he been achieved D. had not been achieved

22. He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ____________a Chinese.

A. were B. had been C. is D. has been

23. It is time that the government ______________measures to protect the rare birds and animals.

A. takes B. took C. has taken D. taking

24. Some people are too particular about school records, insisting that every applicant ________ all diplomas from elementary school to university.

A. has B. will he C. should he D. must he

25. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he _____ to the meeting.

A. would e B. came C. would he e D. had e

26. If I had seen the movie, I ______________ you all about it now.

A. would tell B. will tell C. he told D. would he told

27. I had hoped that John _______ a year in Africa, but he stayed there only for three months.

A. spends B. spent C. would spend D. will spend

28. It’s high time they____________ this road.

A. mend B. mended C. must he mended D. will mend

29. It’s about time people______ notice of what women did during the war.

A. take B. took C. he taken D. will take

30. He’s working hard for fear that he_____________ .

A. should fall behind B. fell behind

C. may fall behind D. would fall behind

31. In the past men generally preferred that their wives_______________ in the home.

A. worked B. would work C. work D. were working

32. For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child _____ psychologically ready for the new idea.

A. is B. were C. be D. would be

33. Your advice that_____________ till next week is reasonable.

A. she waits B. she wait C. wait she D. she waited

34. It was essential that we lease before the end of the month.

A. sing B. singed C. had signed D. were signing

35. I advised that the sick child ________ a hospital as soon as possible.

A. should send to B. should be sent

C. be went to D. must be sent to

36. The workers in the factory demanded that their pay ________ be 20 percent.

A. be raised B. would be raised C. raised D. raise

37. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody ________ the rules.

A. obeys B. obey C. will obey D. would obey

38. My suggestion is that she ________ more exercise, which will do a lot of

good to her.

A. takes B. must take C. take D. took

39. If only I ________ driving before.

A. learn B. learned C. had learned D. would learn

40. ________ she ________ yesterday, she would meet the famous singer today.

A. If, didn’t lee B. Had not, left C. Hadn’t, left D. Didn’t, lee


一、1---5 CBAAC 6---10 DDDCC CABCBA





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