
·Lesson 37 The frogs and the well 青蛙和井

12月18日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大班科研案例:999个青蛙兄弟大搬家]白玉新村幼儿园 徐惠敏,活动目标:1. 阅读理解故事中青蛙一家大搬家的过程,愿意与同伴一起讨论故事中的情节,并能清楚地在众人面前讲诉。2. 感受青蛙爸爸妈妈和999只小青蛙之间相...+阅读

The frogs and the well

Two frogs lived together in a marsh. One hot summer the marsh dried up, so they had to lee it and look for another place.

They soon found a deep well.

One of them looked down and said to the other, "This is a nice cool place. Let's jump in and settle down here."

The other frog was much wiser. He replied, "Don’t be so fast, my friend. If this well dries up like the marsh, how should we get out again?"






寓意: 凡事应该首先考虑周到,然后再付诸行动。


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