

12月11日 编辑 39baobao.com

[奥巴马演讲最感人的十句英语]1. If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive...+阅读


拉克·奥巴马,full name:巴拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马二世(Barack Hussein Obama II)


Obama was born on August 4,1961, in Hawaii (夏威夷) and has lived in many places,including Indonesia(印度尼西亚). His mother was from Kansas(堪萨斯州) and his father from Kenya(肯尼亚). Obama attended Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学) in New York and earned a law degree(法学学位) at Harvard University(哈佛大学) in Massachusetts(马萨诸塞州)。He and his wife, Michelle Obama,(米歇尔奥巴马)who also worked as a lawyer (律师)and later for the University of Chicago(芝加哥大学), he two young daughters.


Obama was born in Hawaii, his father was a student from Kenya and his mother was a white Kansas who worked as a teacher. His parents’ marriage(婚姻) didn’t keep for a long time. Obama is the only child bebore their parents divorce(离婚),after that , Obama lived in印度尼西亚with his mother and step-father(继父).Many years later, his farther died in a traffic accident , Obama just met him only one time before his farther died. Obama grown up in such a plicated (复杂的)family, but he has his American dream. He fulfil his dream step by step. Today ha has achieved his dream.


Economy:he fights against 布什政府对年收入在25万美元以上富裕阶层的tax-cut policy..youtheme

Trade:hasten north America free trade district,加强有关劳工和环境方面的条款;support与秘鲁之间达成free trade agreements。

Iraq war:always fights against Iraq war,he promise in the presidential campaign,如果当选总统,会在上任后16个月内从伊撤出美军作战部队。

Health insurance: 支持延续目前以雇主支付为主的健康保险制度;支持联邦政府强^考试*大制推行儿童全民健康保险计划;设立国家健康保险项目。

Diplomacy: he emphasized negotiation is more important than operation,表示会与伊朗、叙利亚、朝鲜和委内瑞拉等国领导人谈判。

climatic change:he promised that 在2020年前将美国二氧化碳排放量减至1990年时的水平。


After succeed to be the U.S. President , Obama made a speech in Chicago. He said“this is your victory , change has e to America”





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