
Business words

11月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[Encouraging Words]Encouraging WordsSomeone said that encouragement is simply reminding a person of the "shoulders" he's standing on, the heritage he's been given. That's what ha...+阅读

Here, insert yourself into the world of business with the following words and expressions:

anti-dumping (probe, investigation)/ anti-monopoly/ market access 反倾销(调查)/反垄断/市场准入

Canada said last Wednesday it opened an anti-dumping probe into some carbon steel products either made in or exported from China.— REUTERS

tariff reduction (cut)/ tariff trade barriers/ non-tariff trade barriers 关税下调/关税贸易壁垒/非关税贸易壁垒

China cut its overall import tariffs from 16.4 per cent to 15.3 per cent. The tariff reduction covers 3,462 imported items, accounting for 49 per cent of total imported items. — AP

fund raising (securing financing)/ inviting (calling for) business investment/ assets reanization 集资/引资/资产重组

The pany sent letters to workers saying it had been unable to secure financing from banks or other investors so it would file for bankruptcy. — DOW JONES BUSINESS NEWS

registered capital/ scope of business 注册资金/营业范围

From January 2003, the registered capital needed by Chinese panies to get import and export licenses will be lowered to US$361,000.— CHINA DAILY

main (second) board market/ opening price/ closing price 主板


Taiwan's two largest chipmakers — Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing and United Microelectronics — both slumped. bined, the two stocks account for around 15 per cent of the main board's value.— DOW JONES BUSINESS NEWS

sell-off state shares (holdings)/ list a pany (listed pany)/ delist a pany 减持国有股/公司上市(上市公司)/公司摘牌

The Chinese government announced last June that it is giving up on plans to sell off state holdings in listed panies through the domestic stock market. — REUTERS

conduct (do) renminbi business/ idle money (loose funds) 经营人民币业务/闲散资金

The Bank of China, the central bank, has licensed foreign banks to conduct renminbi business in the mainland area — 24 in Shanghai, eight in Shenzhen. — AP

geared to international conventions/ professional certification 与国际接轨/职业资格证书制度

Shanghai has the power for economic growth especially after China's entry into the World Trade anization and local business will be geared to international conventions. — CHINA DAILY

horizontal (or vertical) merger 横向兼并/纵向兼并

The European settlement agency Euroclear agreed to merge with its London-based counterpart CrestCo Ltd, the panies said Thursday, creating Europe's largest system for horizontal mergers in the trading of shares and bonds. — AP


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