
Arranging Business Trips 安排出差

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[出差常用商务用语]I can't miss the ten o'clock train. I'm going to Beijing on business.I'm sure it's with the boss again this time.Nothing is more stressful than going on a bus...+阅读

Key Sentences(重点句子)

521.It's certainly a tight schedule.


522.Now it's a question of getting there.


523.I need a flight to Paris on Sunday evening and a hotel in Paris for three nights.


524.You're not sure how long it will take to get there?


525.How's it going with the trel arrangement, Miss Susan?


526. I've managed to book flight at the times you wanted.


527.I've found you a hotel in Paris for three nights.


528.All the hotels are fully booked.


529. Finding a room is the problem.


530. I've just thought of something.


531.It might be worth giving her a ring and asking if she has any ideas.


532.I'll give it a try.


Dialogue A

( S: Miss Susan; B: Mr. Baker)

S: Well, that's it, Susan. Seven appointments in Paris at the beginning of the week, and four in Frankfort at the end of the week. That should keep me busy.

B: It's certainly a tight schedule.

S: Now it's a question of getting there. I need a flight to Paris on Sunday evening and a hotel in Paris for three nights. I he to be in Frankfurt by eleven o'clock on Thursday morning, and I'll need a hotel for one night. I'll head home on Friday.

B: At what time?

S: My last appointment is at three, so I should be free by five at the very latest. I think I could get to the airport by six.

B: Do you know how far you'll be from the airport at five?

S: No, not really.

B: So you're not sure how long it will take to get there?

S: No, but I'm sure it won't take more than an hour.

B: Don't fet it's Friday night. If Frankfurt is anything like London, everyone will be leing for the weekend. It'll be the rush hour, and traffic might be moving very slowly.

S: You're a pessimist.

B: I'm a realist!

Dialogue B

B: How's it going with the trel arrangements, Susan?

S: I've managed you a hotel in Paris for three nights. Frankfort is more of a problem. There is a big trade fair going on there next week. All the hotels are fully booked.

B: You can find me something, surely?

S: Maybe, but it'll probably be out in the wilds.

B: Well, keep trying. I managed to persuade quite a few people to see me, and I must keep the appointments. Are you hing any language problems?

S: No, all the hotel receptionists speak good English. Finding a room is the problem.

B: Try some of the smaller hotels.

S: I already he.

B: Well, if necessary I'll look for something when I'm there.

S: I've just thought of something. My first appointment is with Mr. Blake. His secretary was particularly helpful when I spoke to her. It might be worth giving her a ring and asking if she has any ideas.

B: OK, I'll give it a try.

Notes 注释

1.that's it=that is all. (口)就这样吧。

2.it's a question of…问题是……

3.head home 回家;回国 动词 head意为“朝着……方向走去”

4.so I should be free by five.


should 表示推测或估计。

如:They should be there by now, I think.


5.at the very latest最晚


如:the very best quality的品质

6.rush hour交通的高峰时刻

还可以说:peak hours

7.How's it going with…?


8.more of a problem的more of表示在更大程度上。

9.surely 一定;肯定地

10.manage to do 意为“设法成功地做到了……”这与 try to do 有区别。后者表示“努力去做”。

如:She managed to keep her temper.


Try to get there early.


11.try some of the smaller hotels


12.end up doing sth. 最后以做……而告终

13.be worth doing


如:The book is well worth reading.


14.give sth a try试一下

Words and Expressions

schedule/'Medju: l/ n. 时间表

tight /tait/ a. 紧的

traffic/'tM$fik/ n. 交通

pessimist/'pesimist/ n. 悲观主义者

realist/'ri+list/ n. 崇尚现实的人

manage/'m$nid{/ v. 设法

trade fair 经贸交易会

receptionist /ris'epM+nist/ n. 接待员



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