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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读


Woman banker set to sue HBOS for £11m


A senior female banker is set to sue HBOS for more than £11m in a sex discrimination and wrongful dismissal case after claiming she was, in effect, sacked when she tried to return to her desk.

该行资产债务管理业务负责人克莱尔?布莱特(Claire Bright)3个月前被停职。昨天她来到位于伦敦金融城的HBOS总部,与几位高层发生了冲突。

Claire Bright, who was head of asset and liability management at the country’s largest mortgage and sings provider, confronted bosses yesterday when she arrived at HBOS headquarters in the City hing been suspended three months ago.

布莱特女士今年47岁,她每年的薪酬方案约为60万英镑。她声称,她与一位男性高级同事发生冲突后,得到了不公正的对待。【您现在阅读的文章来自“中国学习考试网”,请记住我们的永久域名:.stu88. 】

Ms Bright, 47, whose earnings package was about £600,000 a year, claims she was treated unfairly following a clash with a senior male colleague.


After spending three months on suspension, the City banker arrived at HBOS offices determined to bring the dispute to a head. Shortly before 11am, she emerged to tell waiting reporters that she had been dismissed.

她的律师吉莲?霍华德(Gillian Howard)表示,公司不许布莱特女士重返办公室工作,她此前已向伦敦斯特拉特福德就业法庭提交性别歧视和受害赔偿要求,并将增加诉讼事由,起诉公司非法解雇和不公正解雇。

Gillian Howard, her lawyer, said Ms Bright had been stopped from returning to work and would add actions for wrongful dismissal and unfair dismissal to her claim for sex discrimination and victimisation already filed with Stratford employment tribunal in London.


HBOS acknowledged that “a grievance relating to allegations of sex discrimination” had been brought by Ms Bright and dealt with under pany procedures, which it described as “vigorous and prehensive”.


“That process has been pleted and Ms Bright’s allegations he not been upheld,” the pany said.


HBOS went on to say that the banker had met senior bosses from HBOS Treasury and been treated with courtesy. “She remains an employee of the pany,” it said. The bank added that it would “vigorously defend” its position at any tribunal hearing.


But outside HBOS headquarters, Ms Howard said: “They dismissed my client without any reason. We are now going back to my office to issue proceedings.

2006年1月18日 星期三


Luxury fakes cost makers $4.3bn a year

由于互联网销售的假冒设计师商品,全球最的一些时尚品牌每年在日本估计损失5000亿日元(合43亿美元),这些品牌包括路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、香奈儿(Chanel)、普拉达(Prada)、古姿(Gucci)、宝格丽(Bulgari)、劳力士(Rolex)和卡地亚(Cartier)。

Some of the most famous names in the world of fashion, including Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Prada, Gucci, Bulgari, Rolex and Cartier, are losing an estimated Y500bn ($4.3bn) a year in Japan from the sale of fake designer goods over the inter.

在日本,网上销售的奢侈品牌商品有一半以上是假货。法国国际保护工业与艺术产权制造商联合会(Union des Fabricants)日本分会主席洛朗·杜布瓦(Laurent Dubois)表示,这是亚洲最恶劣的造假行为。这个全球协会的成立旨在打击假冒行为。

More than half the luxury-branded goods sold over the inter in Japan are fakes. This was the worst level of abuse in Asia, said Laurent Dubois, chairman of the Japanese arm of the Union des Fabricants, a global association set up to fight counterfeiting.


The problem has called into question the Japanese government’s mitment to a pledge in 2002 to make the country a “nation of intellectual property” and has prompted demands from manufacturers for new rules to crack down on fake goods.

2006年1月19日 星期四


The Belgian chocolate theory of the dollar


A year ago, most analysts agreed: the dollar could only go down against the euro and the other main currencies. The huge US current account deficits had bee unsustainable and called for a big decline of the dollar. A year later these analysts proved to be wrong. The dollar went up by close to 15 per cent against the euro. What went wrong? Let me answer the question by telling a story about Belgian chocolates.


A few weeks ago an interesting experiment was undertaken at the Brussels food fair, a yearly affair where food lovers wander around among the many stalls stuffed with all imaginable delicacies. A shop was put up selling boxes of Belgian chocolates. The first day the price was set at ?9 for each box. Sales went well. The next day the price was raised to ?15 per box. Steeped in economic theory, you might think that demand now declined. Wrong. Demand doubled. On the third day the price was lowered to ?2 for each box. Demand for chocolates collapsed. What went wrong with the law of demand?


The explanation is given by psychologists. It is very difficult, if not impossible, for the consumer to find out the quality of chocolates by just looking at their appearance in the shop. When confronted with such uncertainty about the intrinsic value of things, consumers use simple rules of thumb that they understand. Psychologists call these “heuristics”. In this case, the price of the chocolates provides the rule of thumb.


Most consumers he some experience that allows them to associate high price with high quality. It is not always like that, but on erage it probably is. Thus when looking at the ?15 box the consumers infer that the high price reflects high quality and they buy the chocolates. Consumers who see the boxes priced at ?2 infer that the quality of these chocolates is not to be trusted, and they do not buy them. The law of demand is turned upside down.


Let us now return to the dollar. Most people dealing in the foreign exchange market he no clue about the fundamental value of the dollar (the “quality” of the dollar). Specialists and professors do not know either, at least within a broad range of dollar-euro rates between say, $1.0 and $1.3. For every specialist telling us that the fundamental value of the dollar is close to $1.3 to the euro there will be another one affirming that $1.0 is near the fundamental value. Anything in between is fair game. Faced with such uncertainty, traders in dollars and euros he no way of knowing. They will therefore use a rule of thumb, an easy guide that they understand. The market price of the dollar provides such a rule of thumb. Thus when the dollar goes up for some technical reason, or just by chance, the increasing dollar is a signal for people that there must be some hidden economic strength driving the dollar. And they buy dollars; like the Belgian chocolate lovers buy chocolates when they are highly priced. Conversely, when the dollar moves down for whatever reason, people interpret the decline of the dollar as reflecting a fundamental weakness of the dollar, and they sell dollars.


As a result of this mechanism, the dollar moves up and down within upper and lower bounds that are determined by our lack of knowledge of the fundamental value of the currency. These movements may or may not be caused by changes in the variables (such as the current account) that influence the fundamental value of the dollar.


There is a difference, though, between Belgian chocolates and the dollar. The Belgian chocolate lover buying high-priced chocolates can immediately check the quality by tasting the chocolates. The buyer of dollars cannot. But he is in need of a justification of his buy as a good one. And here the analyst es in handy.


The analyst, who does not know more about the fundamental value of the dollar than the unsuspecting buyer, invents stories. Thus when the dollar goes up, the analyst goes on a search for variables that move in the right direction and that can be linked to the rising dollar, carefully eliminating from the analysis all the other fundamental variables that move in the wrong direction. And so we are told that the strength of the dollar last year was due to interest rate differentials fouring the dollar. The further widening of the current account deficit, which in a previous analysis got centre stage, is carefully dropped from the new analysis.


The honest story of why the dollar increased last year is that we simply do not know. But we do not like to admit that we do not know. Our psyche abhors the darkness of ignorance. That is why analysts’ services continue to be demanded. They fulfil a psychological need to understand. Exchange rate economics these days satisfies this need by telling a new story each time the dollar goes up or down.


What does that tell us about the ing year? You may now be concluding that the sceptical tone of this column does not lee me much scope to say something useful. Yet I do think that the cumulated force of increasing US current account deficits and debts will be overwhelming, bringing down the dollar. But do not ask me when this will happen.

作者是比利时鲁汶大学(University of Leuven)经济学教授。

The writer is professor of economics at the University of Leuven


The panies claim the big annual losses arise from lax regulations for “parallel imports” – goods imported without authorisation from the proprietor of the copyrights or trademarks – a lenient attitude towards the import of fakes for “personal use” and an inability to police online sellers.


In Japan it is legal to import fake goods as long as they are for “personal use”, a system that has created a work of “mules” carrying counterfeit goods into the country under the pretence that they are for their own use. Most of the counterfeit goods e from China or South Korea.


Inter service providers, most of which receive a mission for online sales, are also under no legal obligation to remove items posted on auction sites by suspected sellers of counterfeits.


And Mr Dubois said fines for sellers of fake goods were not high enough to be a deterrent.



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