

12月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英美学生怎么过暑假]英国:更强调 实践作业英国中小学放暑假的时间基本上由学校自行决定,但时间上不会相差太多。无论初中还是高中,英国学生的暑假作业给人的印象是超级少,学校会更强调 实践作业 ,所...+阅读

本期翻译材料选自2005年12月20日《经济学人》,内容是关于火山爆发对人类社会的影响的科普文章。【您现在阅读的文章来自“英语考试学习网”,请记住我们的永久域名:.english-exam. 】

from< the proper study of mankind>摘自《经济学人》 dec 20th 2005

not all of his contemporaries agree with dr ambrose about toba's effect on humanity. the eruption certainly happened, but there is less consensus about his suggestion that it helped form the basis for what are now known as humanity's racial divisions, by breaking homo sapiens into small groups whose random physical quirks were preserved in different places. the idea is not, however, absurd. it is based on a piece of evolutionary theory called the founder effect, which shows how the isolation of small populations from larger ones can accelerate evolutionary change, because a small population's erage characteristics are likely to differ from those of the larger group from which it is drawn. like much evolutionary theory, this is just applied mon sense. but only recently has such mon sense been applied systematically to areas of anthropology that he traditionally ignored it and sometimes resisted it. the result, when bined with new techniques of geic analysis, has been a revolution in the understanding of humanity's past.


consensus n 一致,合意

the two parties he reached a consensus。


homo sapiens 智人(现代人的学名)

quirk n 古怪的行为








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