

11月13日 编辑 39baobao.com


I like all the athletics events.


A Actually, when I think about it, I like all the athletics events.

A 事实上,当我想到奥运会的时候,我喜欢所有的田径项目。

B You mean, things like the races – the 100 metres and so on?

B 你是说,像赛跑——100米赛跑之类的项目?

A Yes, and the 200 metres, the 400 metres, the 800 metres and the relay races. I also like the longer distance races – the fifteen hundred metres and the five and ten thousand metres.

A 是的,还有200米,400米,800米和接力赛跑。我还喜欢更长距离的赛跑——一千五百米、五千米和一万米赛跑。

B Yes, all the races are really exciting. What about the other athletics events?

B 是的,所有的赛跑都非常激烈。其他的田径项目怎么样?

A I like them all! I especially love the long jump and the high jump.

A 我都喜欢!我尤其喜欢跳远和跳高。

B Me too. I also like the hurdles.

B 我也是。我还喜欢跨栏赛跑。

Notes 注释

1 In the Olympics, the races he different names according to their distances, e.g. the one hundred metres / the one hundred metres ; the four hundred metres / the four hundred metres. Above 800 metres, you can describe the races as long distance races / long distance races, e.g. the five thousand metres / the five thousand metres.

在奥运会比赛中,赛跑按照距离长短的不同有不同的名称,例如:one hundred metres / 一百米赛跑 ; the four hundred metres /四百米赛跑。

八百米以上的赛跑可以称作 long distance races /长跑, 例如 the five thousand metres /五千米赛跑。

2 Other athletics events are the long jump / the long jump and the high jump / the high jump.

其他的田径项目有long jump /跳远和high jump /跳高。

3 Remember if you like something a lot, you can use the more emphatic verb I love . . . / I love . . . e.g. I love the athletics events / I love the athletics events.

记住如果你非常喜欢某事,你可以用更具强调性的动词I love . . . /我爱. . .例如I love the athletics events /我爱田径项目。

Key phrases and sentences

Actually, when I think about it, I like all the athletics events.

You mean, things like the races – the 100 metres and so on?

Yes, and the 200 metres, the 400

metres, the 800 metres and the relay races.

I also like the longer distance races – the fifteen hundred metres and the five and ten thousand metres.

Yes, all the races are really exciting.

What about the other athletics events?

I like them all!

I especially love the long jump and the high jump.

Me too. I also like the hurdles.










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