
Technical Jargon 技术术语

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[产房术语知多少]对于准妈妈来说 进产房的心情,用任何语言恐怕都难以形容,任你有再强的心里素质 也免不了一脸懵逼。而产房的医生张口闭口都是专业术语,作为一个外行人完全不知道接下来要面临什...+阅读

Every week millions of Britons use puters to access the inter but how many of them actually know their ipods from their IMs? Not many it seems. A recent survey from Nielsen/ Ratings 每 a global inter, media and market research pany - shows that while the British are crazy about buying and owning new technology they're not so keen to keep up with the ever-changing jargon of 21st century technology.

According to Nielsen/Ratings, people love hing cutting-edge technology but often don't understand the terms that describe what their devices actually do.

For example, 40% of online Britons receive news feeds but 67% don't know that the official term for this service is Really Simple Syndication.

Terms like WiFi and PDA are still meaningless to more than 30% of the British public who regularly work or surf online.

Acronyms in particular bamboozle users. 75% of online Britons don't know that VOD stands for

video-on-demand, while 68% are unaware that personal video recorders are more monly referred to as PVRs.

Millions of people keep in touch via Instant Messaging but 57% of online Brits said they didn't know that the acronym for it was IM.

Alex Burmaster, an inter analyst with Nielsen/Ratings mented “The technology industry is perhaps the most guilty of all industries when it es to love of acronyms. There is a certain level of knowledge snobbery. If you talk in acronyms you sound like you really know what you are talking about and if others don't understand then they are seen in some way as inferior.”

This study shows that many people don't pletely understand much of the new technological jargon but things are slowly changing. Words such as “blogging” and “podcasting” are now used and understood by enough people for these terms to he made it into the most recently published dictionaries in Britain.


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