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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读





Exercise One

1. In the wife’s eyes, his _____ to their marriagelife is far from perfect.

A) requirementB) mitmentC) participationD) reflection

2. In the event of SARS, some _____ it while others lost their courage to do anything about it.

A) came up toB) lived up toC) faced up toD) caught up to

3. Experts he _____ with some effective measures to prevent the disease from spreading.

A) caught upB) put upC) e upD) kept up

4. If people feel hopeless, they don’t bother to _____ the skills they need to succeed.

A) requireB) inquireC) acquireD) enquire

5. As a result of his hard work, he has gained ______ to the Beijing University.

A) admissionB) mitmentC) opportunityD) reward

6. In the advanced course students must take performance tests at monthly ____.

A) gapsB) lengthsC) distancesD) intervals

7. Only when one is______ of one’s gettingbehind is one more likely to catch up.

A) criticalB) awareC) visualD) effective

8. He had a ____ look in his eyes. He must he been shocked.

A) emptyB) bareC) blankD) hollow

9. As an ideal _____ to the spread of SARS,this medicine is now in great demand.

A) barrierB) mitmentC) challengeD) access

10. When her business goes wrong, she tendsto _____ for advice.

A) get access toB) e acrossC) reach outD) speak up

11. The most important for us now is to _____what is to be done next.

A) allow ofB) reflect onC) feel likeD) remind of

12. American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.

A) ignoredB) refusedC) neglectedD) denied

13. Good habits of living he proved to be ofmuch _____ to our health.

A) barrierB) benefitC) immunityD) mitment

14. The medicine the doctor ge me ____ my headache.

A) reducedB) improvedC) releasedD) relieved

15. As a(n) _____ job, it requires much timeand mitment and persistence.

A) unwillingB) demandingC) embarrassingD) frustrating

16. The _____ to be better than others drives him to work harder than before.

A) uniquenessB) eagernessC) awarenessD) effectiveness

17. While studying he was financially dependent____ his wife.

A) onB) ofC) toD) from

18. Anyone that goes against the social order is _____ to answer for his action.

A) possibleB) probablyC) likelyD) normally

19. There is much that can be done about the accidents _____ from carelessness.

A) aroseB) arisenC) arisingD) arise

20. _____ his sister, Jack is quiet and does noteasily make friends with others.

A) DislikeB) UnlikeC) AlikeD) Liking

21. More new _____ will be opened up in thejob market for those with a good CET6 score report.

A) opportunitiesB) necessitiesC) realitiesD) probabilities

22. Unlike the problems I _____ in high school,I he few chances to speak English in class at college.

A) came acrossB) came aboutC) came afterD) came of

23. Now that they he not done anything ______about the situation, it shows no evidence to return to normal.

A) uniqueB) effectiveC) absoluteD) sequential

24.He ____ the medicine quickly and then drank some orange juice.

A) sucked B) swallowedC) lickedD) digested

25. These products are _____ for export, thougha few of them may e into home markets.

A) pletelyB) absolutelyC) essentiallyD) necessarily

26. The team’s attempt to win the game was_____ by the opposing goalkeeper.

A) shockedB) frustratedC) given upD) caught up

27. He is quite sure that it’s _____ impossiblefor him to fulfill the task within two days.

A) fullyB) exclusivelyC) absolutelyD) roughly

28. The police wanted her to describe all the events of that morning in _____.

A) timeB) additionC) sequenceD) place

29. Thanks to the Inter, we can share sorrowand happiness at each other’s home through the _____ of e-mail.

A) roleB) mediumC) modemD) sequence

30. In their own eyes, it is rather _____ that the medical munity as a whole still has little idea about the cause of SARS.

A) rewardingB) demandingC) embarrassingD) requiring



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