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[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

Unions are anizations of workers that bargain with employers for economic and job benefits. They exist to create political and economic power against private management and the government to achieve their goals.

These goals are primarily higher wages, better working conditions, and job security. The arrangements made to achieve these goals are usually plex in their social and psychological detail.

Union movements occurred in the latter years of the 1700s in the US. Carpenters, printers, and shoemakers formed anizations as early as 1791 in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York. These arose largely over economic conflicts between workers and employers when rapid changes in a young developing country began to break down the familiar methods of production and the close ties between worker and employer.

A long, hard drive for legalization of union followed. Unions fought with panies and unsympathetic courts for legitimacy and status. Unions were seen as a threat to free enterprise and private property, and therefore to political and economic stability. They were also considered radical, and panies resisted them vigorously. Violence was frequent on both sides. The government at times moved in state police to suppress the more fierce conflicts. Union workers themselves often punishes other workers who did not support their polices.

Unions in the US he always maintained a practical direction. They he not adopted radical ideologies or unrealistic goals. A major force in union anizing in the early part of the century. Samuel Gompers, took a practical approach. He was for “bread and butter unionism” or “pure and simple unionism.” He was interested in immediate, practical gains ---- higher wages and shorter hours. He sided with no political party, only with politicians who could help.考试大

1. The main objective of unions as mentioned in the first paragraph is ________.

A) to create economic and political strain to the government

B) to make plex arrangements for their members

C) to deal with employers for economic and job benefits

D) to break down the ties between employer and employee

2. Which of the following can be inferred about the purpose of a strike?

A) To force the government to get involved.

B) To relieve the conflicts between worker and employer.

C) To impose financial difficulties on a pany.

D) To win court support for the worker.

3. From the passage we learn that _____。

A) unions adopted only an approach of violence to solving conflicts

B) unions are intended primarily to maintain economic prosperity

C) the government always gives vigorous support to unions during a conflict

D) there exist conflicts even among the union members themselves

4. Unions under the leadership of Gompers differ from unions in other places in that the former are characterized by ______.

A)their realistic goals

B)their power and status

C)their unique anization

D)their immediate actions

5. The word “legitimacy” (Line 2, Para,4) most probably means ____.







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