

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


Making Connections

To connect online, your puter must be equipped with a modem, a device that translates the digital signals from your puter into analog signals that can trel over a standard phone line. Those are the scratchy sounds you hear from a modem's speaker. Believe it or not, there is actually meaning in all that noise. A modem on the other end of the line can understand it and converts the sounds back into digital information.

Modems e in different speeds and are measured in bps or bits per second. A 28.8 Kbps modem sends data at 28,800 bits per second. A 56 Kbps modem is twice as fast, sending and receiving data at a rate of 56,000 bits per second. Most modems today are 56 Kbps.

Why does speed matter? On the Inter, you are constantly exchanging data with other puters. Some of these digital files can be quite large. As you will soon learn, you want this exchange to happen as quickly as possible. If you are purchasing a modem, get the fastest one ailable.

Modems e in different speeds and can be installed inside your puter (internal), or connected to your puter's serial port (external)。 These days, almost all puters e equipped with an internal modem. But if you need to buy a modem for an older puter, consider purchasing an external one for two reasons. First, they are much easier to install. Second, occasionally your modem will freeze and need to be reset. If your modem is external, you can simply turn it off and on again. If it's internal, the only way to reset it is to turn off your puter and reboot, which can take several minutes every time you need to reset your modem.

To connect an external modem to your puter, you'll need a serial modem cable. The cables are usually not included when you buy a modem because there are several different sizes ailable. These can be purchased at any puter store where modems are sold. Most likely, your puter will he a connector on the back labeled serial, or with the IOIOIO icon. This connector es in

a variety of formats: 9, 15, or 25 pins. If you only he one of these ports, it will probably be 1. If you he two, one will be 1, and the other will be 2. After you plug in your modem, you can sign up for Inter Service.

Usually your setup program will try and find your modem and its port. If it can't, it will ask you which port your modem is attached to. If you don't know, the easiest thing to do is try them all. Even if you only he two serial ports, you may be able to select one of four ports. Also, there are some other devices that use the ports. In some puters,the mouse is plugged into a serial port. This is known as a serial mouse. If you've got a serial mouse plugged into 1, then just plug the modem into 2. If you don't he a second port, you can purchase a card that goes inside your puter that will give you a second port. If this is necessary, you should check with the manufacturer of your puter.

Your modem will likely he a connector on the back with space for 25 pins. You need to make sure that the serial modem cable you purchase has the right number of pins on either side, and is the correct "gender." The best thing to do is to look at the back of your puter and list the various connectors, the number of pins, and the gender. Then, when you go to purchase your modem, find the cable that matches the connector.

Lastly, you'll need a standard phone cable to connect the modem to your phone line. The standard connector on a telephone cable is called an RJ-11. On the back of your modem, you'll probably he two RJ-11 jacks. One is for connecting the modem to a wall jack, and the other is for connecting the modem to a phone. And remember, if you he call waiting, you will want to disable it before connecting online. If you're online and a call es in, it will disconnect you unless you disable call waiting. In most places you can enter *70 before the number you call for Inter service so that another call will not interrupt you while you're on line.




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