

11月06日 编辑 39baobao.com

摘要:采用正交试验方法,对独活寄生口服液提取工艺 条件进行优选。试验结果表明,对含挥发性成分的药材加8倍水,浸泡0.5 h,水蒸气蒸馏; 母液及残渣与处方中其它药材合并加8倍水,浸泡0.5 h,水提取两次,1 h/次,醇沉浓度为 70%。

关键词:独活寄生口服液; 正交法; 提取工艺

中图分类号:R284.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-0805(2000)07-0594-02

Studies on the Abstraction Technology of Duhuo Jisheng Oral Liquid by Orthogonal Design

GAO Yue-lai, SHEN Lie-hang

(Shandong Provincial Hospital, Jinan 250021, China)

Abstract:Select the best abstraction method for Duhuo Jishe ng Oral Liquid by orthogonal design. Result:soaking oil herbs for 0.5 h in 8 tim es of water, then distil by steam; the mother liquid and residue bine with ot her herbs in 8 times of water, soaking for 0.5 h, and then abstract two times by water for one hour each time. The concentration of the alcohol for precipitate is 70 percent.

Key words:Duhuo Jisheng oral liquid; Orthogonal d esign; Abstraction technology

独活寄生口服液是在独活寄生汤(《千金要方》方)基础上研制成的新制剂,由独活、寄生、 当归、党参、防风、白芍、甘草等中药组成,具有祛风湿、止痹痛、益肝肾、补气血等功能 。


1 试验方法

1.1 正交试验设计

根据传统汤剂的提取方法和药材所含有效成分的性质,我们采用蒸馏法与水提醇沉法相结合 的提取工艺,选用加水量、浸泡时间、提取时间、醇沉浓度作为考察因素,以测定相对密度 、挥发油的含量和观察澄明度为考察指标,选用L 9(34)正交法进行试验。
