

12月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[公司还款承诺书范例精选]公司还款承诺书范例一XXXX:为确保借款人XXXX与被借款人XXXX签订的编号为:XXXXXXX的《 借款合同 》项下借款人的义务得到切实履行,保障被借款人债权的实现,本人愿意对借款人依...+阅读





a. study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay in no less than 150 words.

b. your essay should meet the requirements below:


1. write out the messages conveyed by the cartoon.

2. give your ments. (15 points)


make premises 做出承诺

duties and responsibilities 责任和义务

take…as… 把。。。看作。。。

absurd and ridiculous 荒谬的,荒唐的

e into being 形成

widespread empty promises 普遍的空话


my view on so-called promises

as can seen from the cartoon, a hen is making promises that her eggs are all round and consist of shells, egg whites and yolks. in our daily life, many people, just like the hen, keep making such promises in which they take duties and responsibilities as virtues to be proud of.

such promises, absurd and ridiculous even at the first sight, e into being mainly for two reasons. first, some profit-driven enterprises take advantages of such promises to win people’s trust and understanding——their advertisements are intentionally misleading and their behior is sheer cheating. second, some anizations and individuals, obsessed with fame and success, are by all means publicizing their deeds, but actually they just assume their own duty.

these widespread empty promises will do great harm to people as well as to the whole society. they will result in a dishonest atmosphere in our society——people will lose mutual trust and bee more doubtful. as a result, the economic development of our country will be hindered.



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