

05月26日 编辑 39baobao.com

[小星星英文儿歌歌词在下面希望各位大虾帮我翻译成中文]一闪一闪小星星 我想知道你是谁! 截至高于世界如此之高, 就像天上的钻石。 一闪一闪小星星 我想知道你是谁! 当炽热的太阳已西沉, 当他没有照人, 你就显露些微光, 一闪一闪,所有的...+阅读

The product may prevent automobile glass from removing fog , the safety maintaining limpid ken , ensuring that driving for a long time. Especially in frigidity morning or raining day, need not to disperse fog coming setting automobile air-conditioning in motion specially , can depart immediately, economy is pragmatic. Can remove the phenomenon reflecting because of the sunlight and to that to chaos brought about by lamp light more , ensure driving safety at night. Usage requires one crops of one to rub simple , rapid, is OK to make your line of sight limpid , ensure that you drive car safe.





有一个人在医院或诊所测量血压,及一个心跳检查,往往都会紧张的,甚至可能造成高血脂或血压. 也有不同的条件,因此判决根据各种血液压力是不可能在一个单一的计量基础。

一早起床量血压,而还未吃任何食物之前 ,被称为血压的根本。在实践中是相当困难的根本记录血压, 但是,就尽量接近衡量 ,以测量的环境中是接近这个血压的,因此在家里测量是更加有效的。


Outside the support the signal cuts directly. Supports the USB/SD automatic cut over. (After USB/SD, inserts first broadcast) The module contains the MP3 song decoding chip. Supports the USB, SD, MMC card to carry on the broadcast. Supports the USB/SD card cut, on a tune, the next tune, the broadcast/suspension. Supports FAT16, the FAT32 filing system Supports MP1 Layer3, MP2 Layer3, MP3 the Layer3 edition song Supports 32-320kbps the MP3 song Support power failure memory function: Remembered before the power failure, broadcasts song and volume Operating instructions In the USB/SD condition, according to The key suspends, presses a key once more broadcast In the USB/SD condition, in pressed key broadcast a tune, pressed key broadcast next tune



1)power on:insert earphone to jack 2,then it will be power on in 2 second

2)Power off:take off earphone from jack 2,it will be power off.or press Vol-key longer to adjudst volume to zero,it will be power off then

3)Next/pre:when playing Music,press key >>1 to next song, press key 1<< for previous song

4)Vol +/-:press Vol+key to up volume Press Vol key to down volume

3.Download music

1)insert the USB pin to jack 3(USB jack)tehn connect the player to the computer

2)Trandfer your music from computer to the palyer

4 Charging the battery

1)Please use USB cable connect computer to charge the player

2)Please keep charging at least 1 hours

5 Specificaion

music formats:MP3/WMA/MAV

USB interface:USB2.0

Player dimension:43*15*8mm


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