

05月23日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求网络营销的例子及方法]1.分析好你的企业优势和劣势. 2.要根据你厨具行业特点,及贵司的客户群体所在,是面对厨具用户,还是面对的经销商或批发商. 在定位好以上两点的基础上,再实施下面的方法: 企业做网...+阅读

During the dinner held by the king, someone said this out to the king so that the king wouldn't favor Columbus that much.Columbus heard that, he just smiled and said:" Can anybody make the egg stand on the table?" In a long time nobody could say a word. Then Columbus caved the egg and put it stand on the table."It's too easy, we can do it too!" Everyone shouted and Columbus said:"It is easy but before I nobody found it." 前面一句死活通不过审查,你自己慢慢翻译吧,中文是:哥伦布航海回来以后,有些人看他不顺眼,认为航海没什么了不起(is nothing),说:“我们也可以做到。”...


The weather depends on the sky, but whether you are happy or not depends on yourself. I can well remember that I didn't pass the Chinese exam several times last year, so the weater of my sky seemed to be full of clouds. Although the songs of birds were very nice and the flowers were very beautiful, they could not let me escape from depression. What's more, I felt that I was laughed at by all the other classmates. My Chinese teacher noticed my subtle difference, so she gave me some advice and told me to change my attitude. With the help of her, I tried to face the trouble with a positive attitude. To my surprise, everything changed. It was not long before I made great progress in my Chinese. Life is full of difficulties. Sometimes you may not be able to decide the situation you are in, but you can change your attitude. 试题分析:题目要求根据所给提示,结合生活事例写一篇短文。

首先要理解所给提示的意思;其次可以结合自己生活中的例子进行写作,注意不得照抄提示语。使用第一人称进行写作,注意不要出现拼写和标点错误。要正确运用时态、定语从句、宾语从句、倒装等语法知识。 亮点说明:范文使用了较多的固定搭配和固定短语:depends on, be full of, escape from, laughed at, told me to change my attitude, With the help of her, tried to, To my surprise, long before, made great progress in等,使作文内容变得充实,有说服力; 范文还使用了一些重要的语法知识:让步状语从句Although the songs of birds were very nice...;表语从句I felt that I was laughed at by all the other classmates;定语从句the situation you are in等,这些长难句都是亮点,也是加分点; 范文注意使用so, What's more, With the help of her, To my surprise等来衔接上下文,使作文语意连贯、衔接紧密。





一、 案例名称(Case Name);例如,Marbury v.

Madison(马伯里诉麦迪逊),v. is short for versus, 是“诉”的意思。

二、 判决法院(Court

rendering the opinion);例如:New Jersey Supreme Court(新泽西最高法院)。


卷宗号;案号(Citation);例如,93 N. J324, 461 A.2d


Reporter的缩写。像这种指明两个或两个以上出处的卷宗号叫做:“平行卷宗号”,其英语表达为“parallel citation”,意思是“An

additional reference to a case that has been reported in ore than one


四、 主审法官姓名(Justice wrote the opinion)

五、 判决书(Opinion: stating the issue raised, describing the parties and facts,

discussing the relevant law, and rendering



opinion or dissent)与“配合意见”(concurring opinion)。Dissenting opinion: opinion

offered by a judge disagreeing with the majority panel of judges' conclusion;

“反对意见”指不同意大多数法官判决结论之某一法官的意见;Concurring opinion: opinion written by a judge

agreeing with the majority's conclusion but not its reasoning.


六、 法庭投票(Votes of the


and remandment)。

business law案例分析一个




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