

05月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[日常英语口语练习情景对话]Should mothers stay home with children? 母亲应该在家照顾孩子吗Christophe: Hello, this is Christophe from Belgium and Aiste from Lithuania. Todays question is ....+阅读

1. -Hello, my name is Peter, nice to meet you

-Hello, my name is Mike, nice to meet you too.

2. - Where are you from?

- I am from China, what about you?

3. - How are you doing?

- I am doing fine, thank you!

4. - What are you doing Peter?

- I am reading.

5. -What do you do in your spare time?

- I like playing basketball and swimming.

6. - Can I help you?

- Yes, could you please pass me the book?

7. - How's your exam?

- I think I did well in the exam.Thank you!

8. - How's your weekend?

- Ah, it was really good, my family went to a picnic on Sunday and had a good time.

9. - Excuse me, do you mind my closing the window?

- No, I don't mind.

10. - What is your plan for this coming summer holiday?

- I will go to visit my uncle in England.


a;hello,b.hello,c.welcome back to school.


a;i saw you at the race yesterday,c.who were your with?i thank i've met him before.

c;that was my uncle.he's a reporter.

a;oh,really?my wife's a reporter,too.where does your uncle work?

c;he's business reporter on the yangcheng evening new.

b:would you like to be a reporter,c.

c;no,i'd like a teacher.

a;i wanted to be a doctor,but i like teacher.

b;i'am good at reading and writing so i'd like to be a reporter.

c;you should take to my uncle.

a;could youe uncle talk to our class one day?

c;i'll ask him.

a;good,ang i'll write a note to the principal.


Hi, Sweetie! 嗨, Sweetie! Hi, Winni! What's up? 嗨, Winni! 怎么了? Nothing special, hey, you changed hairstyle! 没什么特别的啦,喂,你换了发型啊? How do you feel? 你觉得怎么样? That looks great! 看起来很不错! Thank you. 谢谢 Where did you have your hair waved? 你在哪烫的头发啊? It is a beatuty salon near my home, My mother took me there last Satdurday. There are also many stores nearby. 在我家附近的一家美发沙龙弄的,上周六我妈带我去的。那附近还有很多商店。 Did you buy something? 你买了什么吗? Yes, my monther brought me a new school bag, it is very cute. 我妈给我买了个新书包,好可爱的! Can I have a look? 能给我看看吗? Sure, look, here it is. 当然了,看,就是这个。 Wow.... it is so nice, I will ask my mother to buy me one as well! 哇,好漂亮啊。

我也要让我妈给我买一个! Hey, time's up! Let;s hurry to school! 喂,快到点啦,赶紧去学校吧! OK! Let's go! 好,走!


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