
I want to check my email.我想看看我的电子邮件

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com


I want to check my e-mail./我想看看我的电子邮件。

奥运1000句08北京奥运奥运歌曲总汇 奥运英语 词汇奥运名人一览奥运百科知识

A: Hi! I'll just be a few moments. I want to check my e-mail.

A: 嗨!我只用一会。我想看看我的电子邮件。

B: No problem. I want to check mine too.

B: 没问题。我也想看看我的。

A: I hate it when you get a lot of junk mails.

A: 有那么多的垃圾邮件真令我讨厌。

B: Me too. It's such a waste of time.

B: 我也是。这浪费了很多时间。

A: I'm expecting an e-mail from my friend and I want to reply.

A: 我在等我朋友的邮件,我想回复邮件。

B: No problem. I've got a few quick e-mails I need to send anyway.

B: 没问题。我也有几封需要尽快发送的邮件。

Notes 注释

1. Remember the possessive words mine / mine; yours / yours; theirs / theirs, e.g. I want to check mine too / I want to check mine too; That coffee is yours, this one is mine / That coffee is yours, this one is mine.

记住形容词所有格mine /我的; yours / 你的; theirs / 他们的, 例如 I want to check mine too /我也想看看我的;That coffee is yours, this one is mine /那杯咖啡是你的,这杯是我的。

2. We talk about junk mail / junk mail to describe either unwanted e-mails which you receive or unwanted letters.

我们用 junk mail/垃圾邮件来描述那些你接到的,然而是你不需要的电子邮件或者信件。

3. A waste of time / a waste of time, e.g. There are no taxis – it's a waste of time standing in the rain / There are no taxis – it's a waste of time standing in the rain.

A waste of time /浪费时间。例如There are no taxis – it's a waste of time standing in the rain /没有出租车——在雨中站着是浪费时间。


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