

05月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[优秀的英语情景口语对话]What is your best memory of high school? 高中时代最美好的记忆Tlotlo: Hi, my name is Tlotlo and I am from Botswana.特罗特洛:嗨,我是特罗特洛,来自博茨瓦纳。Resse:...+阅读

A: What do you think is the best way of travelling is?

B: I think aeroplane is by far the best way.

A: Why do you think so?B: Because it is the fastest and the safest.A: Of course it is when you are talking about a long distance.

B: That's true. For shorter distance I think I will have to say, car.

A: And why is that?

B: Well, it is quite obvious that you will not find an airport everywhere, but a carparking space is a lot more easier to find.

A: What about bicycles then?

B: Eh... I don't think so. The area I live in is in the mountains. It takes a strong sport-man to ride on those hilly roads.(你可以自己编)

跪求英语情景对话!要求:3分钟左右 2个人的对话!题目:1 The

题目一:[The change in my life]

A: I really underwent many changes in my life

B: Me either

A: Life, is an interesting thing, do you think ?

B: Yes, and it's really cause many changes to our life

A: Yes, I agreed. For instance, last semester holiday, I went to my home town. I saw many interesting, such ant , mosquitoes, cat, cow and many others rare animal that we can see in urban. From that day, I felt I like there A LOT. There are fresh air, fresh fruit and fresh air. The change that occur in my life is I no longer have to be so materialistic.There are something more valuable than CASH. That's really change me.

B: Wow, that's touching.

A: Yes, how about you ?

B: Oh, me. Last semester. I went back to my hometown. I saw many amusing things. I couldn't get my eye off them.

A: You saw rare animal too ?

B: Yes. Just like yours.

A: Wow, how coincidence.

B: Not exactly, both of us came from the SAME town.

A: Oh, please continue.

B: Yes. Well, there is another thing I couldn't get my eye off them.

A: What is it ?

B: It's the girl, of course. They are fabulous and so pretty. So, I followed them along the way.

A: You are a stalker or what ?

B: Listen ! But finally, I followed them and it led me to their classroom. I found out something. The students in the classroom, all of them are girls ! That scene make me thought of something. I learned that now even girls can do better than the boys. So, this semester, I worked harder and prepared myself well. That's really change me a lot.

A: Oh, let us both work hard together and create success in future.

A&B: Thank you




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