

03月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[创造更适合我们班级孩子的“学讲”英语课]李涛涛 ],自从徐州市推进 学讲计划 以来,一直在努力探索 学讲 之路,在这个过程中,经历了很多困难和挫折,但也意外收获了许多。学讲 课堂重视的是学生自己真实的学习的发生,所以学...+阅读

What is your best memory of high school? 高中时代最美好的记忆

Tlotlo: Hi, my name is Tlotlo and I am from Botswana.


Resse: Hey, Im Resse from Botswana as well.


Tlotlo: So our question is what is your best memory of high school?


Resse: I think my best memory is probably prom night.


Tlotlo: Prom night, oh yes. Its always everybodys forite. But Id he to say my very best memory of high school was actually when I was crowned Miss Dumanian that is the high school that I went to. It was a great feeling just...


Resse: So you like the beauty queens and ...


Tlotlo: Of course. I love that, I love that so thats actually the best memory that I he about my high school. Of course the best part of it was just being with your friends and making memories and stuff. I can still remember even today it was actually one of the best parts of my high school as well.


Resse: I dont think anything beats making the friends that you make in high school.


Tlotlo: Yeah, nothing beats that but the friends that you make in high school are the ones that you will he for life and I still he them. It was great the memories that we made were just fantastic. And prom night the glitz and the glamor of prom night, yes. Yeah, everybody looks forward to prom night actually because its the night where you just wrap the memories all in one package and it will always be like the memorable things.


Resse: I think thats the time you are closest to everyone that you know in high school.


Tlotlo: Yeah, thats a time when you really e together and just go out and he a great time like we did right?


Where do you get your news? 信息来源

Did: Hello, my name is Did from Kenya.


Vitalis: And my name is Vitalis from Uganda.


Did: Vitalis, now for us to keep ourselves updated with the current news, there are different kinds of sources we rely on to get the required information. So what are your sources for information, news?


Vitalis: Speaking of news, I think since Im always plugged in online, my sources of news always are websites. I read my news from BBC, mostly for politics, economics, then Sky Sports for sports. When speaking of fashion, I go to Yahoo and yeah thats pretty much my news. Thats where I get updated from.



What type of famous person would you like to be? 想成为哪种名人

Tlotlo: Hi, my name is Tlotlo and I am from Botswana.


Resse: Hey, Im Resse from Botswana as well.


Tlotlo: So our question is would you rather be a famous singer, actor, athlete or a politician?


Resse: I think Id rather be a famous actor because you get a lot of money.


Tlotlo: OK.


Resse: Youre famous but you dont do that much. If youre an athlete you he to work hard and you are always tired.


Tlotlo: What about learning s? That sounds like a really difficult job to me.


Resse: But you learn bit by bit because shooting is over a long time so maybe its not so hard.


Tlotlo: I would really say I think being an actor is actually pretty hard. Theres a lot that es with it. Its a part that sometimes you are not very familiar with and that should take a lot out of you, you know, so it should be a hard job.


Resse: You just need to be good at being fake.


Tlotlo: You could put it that way. Well I think Id rather be a famous singer. I wish I was good in singing though but thats what Id be. Im really all about spreading the love and sharing my thoughts with other people and just expressing my mind and I think singers he that opportunity to share whats in their mind, express themselves, share the love, you know, and I think thats what Id much rather do just spread the word. Im all about words. I think words he a very, very big effect on people. What you say really does matter. So being a singer could actually say a lot and touch so many peoples hearts. Thats my destiny of life, I want to touch many hearts, so a singer for me.



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