

05月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[优秀的英语情景口语对话]What is your best memory of high school? 高中时代最美好的记忆Tlotlo: Hi, my name is Tlotlo and I am from Botswana.特罗特洛:嗨,我是特罗特洛,来自博茨瓦纳。Resse:...+阅读

In this conversation, Sally Fraser, a Human Resources officer for a medium-size hotel on the West coast, is interviewing Victoria Jones for a position as night manager. Sally: I see from your resume that you certainly have the educational background and work background to handle this job. In fact, you seem to be somewhat overqualified for this job. It's not as high a position as head manager of a major hotel like you had on the East coast. Why are you applying here? Victoria: From what I know, your hotel is very progressive and in a good position for expansion, and I think I can help you do that. I consider time management to be one of my key strengths. As night manager, I think I can maximize my time to ensure that night operations run at top efficiency, and at the same time help you to plan your expansion. Sally: I'm impressed with your advance knowledge of our business. Your cover letter shows that you've done your homework, and you have all the qualifications we're looking for. But I'm still a little worried that you'll leave if a higher position opens up at a more prominent hotel. Victoria: I came to the West coast for a change of pace. The night position suits my goals for the present, and I'm looking forward to the challenge of helping to make your hotel one of the key players here. Sally: I like your attitude, and it looks like you're the person for the job. The position's open two weeks from Monday. Can you start then? Victoria: No problem! A:Hello!hHow do you do? B:How do you do!What do you usually do on weekends? A:I often go to the movies. B:Hm...oh,what do you do on weekends,C? C,Oh,I usually go shopping.] D:I never go shopping.I can not sdand shopping! E:And I sometimes watch TV. A:How ahout you ? F:I hardly ever watch TV,I love reading. A:Oh,why is that? F:Oh,I don~t kown.I gass I just like books


orede 是神马?


S:I'm glad to have the opportunity of visiting your corporation. I hope we can do business together.

A:It's a great pleasure to meet you, Mr Smith.I believe you have seen our exhibits in the show room.What is it in particalar you're interested in?

S:I'm interested in your toy bears.I think some of them will find a ready market in America.Here is a list of requirements. And I am wondering whether I can have your lowest quotations.

A:I'll do that. But ,the price depends greatly on the order.

S:1200. And we can have a long-term cooperation.

A: We're ready to reduce our prices by 6 percent.

S:I think it still high, I can get a lower price elsewhere.

A:How much do you mean then? Can you give me a rough ideal?

S:I'd say a reduction of at least 20 percent.

A:Impossible.Everyone in the trade knows that Chinese goods are of superior quality to those from other countries. It is hard for us to offer a lower price,what about 10 percent?

S:Ah, I think it will be OK. How long does it usually take you to make delivery?

A:As a rule, we deliver all our orders within 3 months after receipt of the covering letters of credit.





A:Excuse me...打扰一下...B:Yes, sir. How may I be of service?是的,先生,需要什么服务吗?A:I would like to return this item... Are refunds allowed?我想把这个东西推掉...可以退款吗?B:Certainly. The customer is always right, we are here to serve you. Is there a reason that you would like to return it? Did you have problems with our product or services?当然可以.顾客总是对的,我们随时为您服务.为什么要退掉?您对我们的产品和服务有什么问题吗?A:No, no... It was just the wrong size.不,不是的...只是大小不合适.B:Would you be interested in an exchange as opposed to a refund? I think I can help you to find the appropriate size.那你想调换一下还是要退款?我想我能帮你找到合适的尺寸.A:No. I would rather just return it.不用了.我还是想退掉.B:Sure, no problem. Do you happen to have the receipt?当然可以,没问题.你带收据了吗?A:Yeah, right here.带了,在这儿...B:Ok, just a moment, please. Here you are, I need you to sign here, please. And here is your refund. Is there anything else I can help you with?好的,请等一下.给您,请在这里签字.这是你的退款.还有什么需要我帮忙的?A:No, thank you.没有了,谢谢你.B:You're welcome. Have a nice day!别客气.祝你一天都开心!


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