

04月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[荒废的英文怎么说]荒废 1. leave uncultivated; lie waste 我们村里没有一亩地是~的。 Not a single mu of land in our village lies waste. 2. fall into disuse (or disrepair) 这所别墅~...+阅读

examination room

As I went into the examination room, I had my heart in my boots.


Jerry left the examination room with a light heart.


No one will leave the examination room before12 o'clock.


Candidates may not bring reference books into the examination room.


Candidates were forbidden to take the reference book to enter the examination room in last term.


I psych out every time I enter an examination room.


The teacher handed out the answer sheets when all the students entered the examination room.



Dear Tracy ,

Wish this email finds you in good spirit and health!

I am Li Hao, one of your students when you were teaching in China. It's been almost a month since you left China and returned to the U. S. A.. I miss you very much now. Thank you very much for your help in my study and I wish you can come back to China at your convenience!

Best regards!

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


when talk about the ways of improving the english level, answers like "read more""listen to the teachers carefully" come without really practical help. if u ask me myself, why do not you learn to sing English Songs? as a proverb tells that interest is the best teacher. i find that learning to sing english songs is the best way the bring interests in english. because almost all the people love songs, when u get to know the emotion of the songs, understand the lyrics and learn the sing, doubtless, ur understanding of english articles, ur vocabulary, and ur pronunciation are enhanced gradually. and most importantly, u don't feel boring like reading, watching movies while learning to sing songs. don't u agree with me?


蜡烛的英文怎么说一、蜡烛的英文candle,音标英 [ˈkændl]、美 [ˈkændl]。 二、释义: 1、n.蜡烛;烛光;蜡烛状物 The candle was blown out by the wind. 蜡烛被风吹灭了。 2、vt.对光检查 To m...

收钱的英文怎么说收钱的英文是 collect money ,其中: collect 英 [kə'lekt] 美 [kə'lɛkt] vt. 收集;募捐 vi. 收集;聚集;募捐 adv. 由收件人付款地 adj. 由收件人付款的 n. (Collect)人名;(英)科...

101的英文怎么说一百零一的英文;one hundred and one 一、one hundred 一百 二、one 英 [wʌn] 美 [wʌn] num.一个;(数字)一;(基数)一,第一 n.一个人;一体;一点钟;独一 pron.一个人;任何人;本人,人家;东西...

签名的英文怎么说签名:sign one's name;[sain wʌnz neim] 签上自己的名;花押;签名;署名; autograph[英] [ˈɔ:təˌgræf] [美] [ˈɔtəˌɡræf] n. 亲笔签名;亲笔稿;手稿;真迹石版复制品; vt. 在...

不是英文怎么说不是的英文例句isn't 英 [ˈɪznt] 美 [ˈɪzənt] 不是 双语例句 It isn't too difficult once you get the idea 你一旦弄懂了,就不太难了。 'That's crazy,' I said. 'Isn't it just?' h...

熟悉的英文怎么说熟悉的英文怎么说:熟悉的英文:familiar familiar 读法 英 [fə'mɪlɪə] 美 [fə'mɪljɚ] 1、adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 2、n. 常客;密友 短语: 1、familiar with 熟悉 2、get...

比价的英文怎么说比价的英文怎么说:比价 n. (Trad=比价, Pinyin=bi3 jia4) price relations, rate of exchange比价 [bǐ jià]price relations parity rate of exchangeRelative explaination...

私人的英文怎么说私人的英文怎么说,英语私人的的怎么写:private /praivit/ adj.私人的, 个人的, 私下的, 私有的, 缄默的 n.士兵, 列兵 例句与用法: 1. Let's go upstairs where we can be a bit mor...

随便的英文怎么说随便的英文怎么说,随便用英语怎么说:但是random在英语当中是“胡乱的;随便的,任意的 ”的意思,当时外教明白他说的意思,但是还是建议他用其他的一些表达方式来表示“随便”。那“...
