

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

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Students should wear uniforms to school. Do you agree or not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your idea.

Uniforms! Such a controversial issue nowadays, for more and more schools force their students to wear uniforms every day. When seeing a sea of students all with tiring expressions and exactly the same clothes, I can’t help but ask, is uniform really a sign of unification as its name suggests? What do students truly benefit from this “pulsory sense of unity”?

It’s indisputable that middle school students are experiencing the most fascinating period of life, a time when the consciousness of beauty should he been promoted. What they really want is a stage to display their individuality and to demonstrate their unique existence, but not to be treated like machinery which was brought about by institutionalization. It’s their unalienable right to choose what to wear and realize their own values within effective guidance, but not to be misled to a wrong conception that being even a little bit different from others is uneasy.

Secondly, wearing the same uniform curtails the freedom of these young people. In this modern and civilized society, democracy and freedom are being discussed in every corner of the world. Isn’t it a paradox that we are trying to liberate all humans, while confining our children? Let’s learn to accept the fact that they are actually victimized by our unnecessary concerns.

Finally, some people may argue that wearing uniforms to school helps to break down the barriers between different socioeconomic groups. But the point is that, we can prevent them from being hurt when they are at school, then how will they react when learning inequalities later in life? So it’s no use finding an excuse any more, for the policy of wearing the same clothes is absolutely not the real solution to this problem.

The sense of mitment, affiliation and responsibility for one’s school is deeply rooted in heart. Uniform is a certain product of a certain age. As the society progressed, it’s sensible to desert school uniforms, all for good of our next generation.






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