

05月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[掌握常见的10种错误为你的托福写作提分]1、Challenge(1)Challenge sb to do sth .向...挑战,邀请...比赛They challenge us to a swimming contest.(2)to give (accept) a challenge ( 接受 ) 挑战2、Share(1)...+阅读





若是考生能够选用第一种例子,用得恰当的话自然能让考官眼前为之一亮。例如在讨论媒体对人们的影响时,选用美国人所熟知的脱口秀女王 Oprah Winfrey 作为例子。或是在讨论学生是否都应该学习历史的时候,选用美国历史上知名的总统,如Thomas Jefferson, Herbert Hoover等进行论证都非常好。这样做既进行了有效论证,又不落入俗套。然而,举这类例子对于考生考前的积累要求比较高。如果距离考试还有三个月或以上的时间,我建议考生可以在考前多准备一些类似的人物或事件的例子,以备考试之用。







In this argument, the arguer concludes that______. To support the conclusion, the arguerpoints out that______. In addition, the arguerreasons that_____.This argument suffers fromseveral critical fallacies.

In this argument, the arguer remendsthat_____.To justify this claim, the arguer providesthe evidence that ____. In addition, he cites theresult of a recent study that _____. A careful examination of this argument would reveal howgroundless the conclusion is.

In this analysis, the arguer claims that ____. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguercites the example that____. In addition, the arguer assumes that ____. This argument isunconvincing for several critical flaws.

In this argument, the arguer advocates that ____. The remendation is based on theobservation that_____. Meanwhile, the arguer assumes that____. The argument isproblematic for two reasons.

The conclusion in this argument is that_____. In support of this prediction, the arguerclaims that _____.Moreover, the arguer assumes that_____. This argument is fraught withvague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.


First, the argument is based on a false analogy. The arguer simply assumes that____, buthe does not provide any evidence that_____.

Second, the arguer mits a fallacy of hasty generalization. Even if____, it does notfollow that____。

Besides, the arguer does not provide any solid information concerning that____.

Actually, the arguers remendation of _____would most probably turns out to beineffective and misleading.

In the first place, the arguer fails to take into account the ____factors in the analysis.While we are informed that _____, the arguer fails to make clear that____.

In the second place, the parison in this argument is inplete and selective, thearguer discovers that ____. Howe

ver the arguer fails to provide any information regarding____.

Furthermore ____.

Unless the arguer also takes these factors into consideration, the parison isunconvincing.

First of all, the argument is based on a hasty generalization. According to the citedstudies, ____. The fact tells very little about _____. Even if we accept the arguersassumption that_____, it is unwarranted to assume that_____.

In addition, the arguer fails to consider several other relevant factors that____. Forinstance, _____.

What s more,______.

Finally, the arguer hints that_____, but he fails to analyze that_____.

The major problem with this argument is that the arguer fails to convince us that _____.First, the fact that ____does indicate that____. Second, _____, which makes it impossiblefor us to evaluate that____

Another point worth considering is the arguers hasty generalization. We are informedthat____, but we do not know that_____. We can believe that ____, but based on this sliminformation, we can never evaluate the overall performance of discount.

One major assumption in short of legitimacy is that_____. First, ____. Second, _____.This may prove misleading and counterproductive in the end.

In addition, the conclusion is based on a gratuitous assumption that_____. This,however, is unwarranted.

In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is in valid and misleading. To makethe argument more convincing, the arguer would he to prove that_____. Moreover, I wouldsuspend my judgment about the credibility of the remendation until the arguer canprovide concrete evidence that_____. Otherwise, the arguer is simply begging the questionthroughout the argument.

To conclude, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept theconclusion, the arguer must present more facts that_____. To solidify the argument, thearguer would he to produce more evidence concerning____.

As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, thearguer would he to demonstrate that ____. Additionally, the arguer must provide evidenceto _____.

To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysisdoes not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument thearguer would he to provide more evidence concerning that_____.

In conclusion, the arguer fails to _____. To strengthen the argument, the arguer wouldhe to provide evidence that____. To better evaluate the argument, we need moreinformation about that____.






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