

04月07日 编辑 39baobao.com

[几道自主招生试题希望各生物高手帮助如果回答透彻具有辨析力]1。答案:C。 反射是环境对神经中枢刺激人体做出的下意识的不自觉的动作,C中则是人经过信息传递到神经中枢然后对其进行判断思考后所做出的反应。 2。答案:D。 吸气时,肺内压降低...+阅读

1. Money can only fulfill materialistic wants and needs, not spiritual ones. Money itself should not be blamed for the evils derived from humans' endless, greedy desires.I believe money is a tool and like others, it is entirely up to the individual to determine whether to use the money for good wills or evil desires. It is natural for humans to desire a large sum of money because of the benefits and convenience it brings, especially in the consumerism society nowadays.Personally, I believe people should only earn the money they deserve as a result of their output, either physical or intellectual. ...好长啊。。去睡了。看看这第一题的答案还满意不 还有这些题目问的都是比较主观的看法,可不可以先提供您个人的中文答案呀?


第一句就感觉不对,应该是 How do you select a staff for promotion?

第二句应该是,那个soon 应该是own吧

第三句,your , Talk about 为第二句

第四句,it 是if吧

第六句training ,Talk about...


Thank you for your question ,well ,if i was the boss ,I think there are three points that matters.

firstly , a staff should be diligent,as you know ,the famous saying ,genious is one percent

inspiration and ninetynine percent persperation.so ,diligence is the prerequisite for promotion

secondly ,i would favor those staffs who always have a positive attitude,because they would

focused on the job without complaining about the environment, tasks and things like that.

so ,from my point of view ,a staff who have a good state of mind would have a promotion.

thirdly,i think, Having good communication skills are also necessary for

a staff who is going to be promoted.you know, in a company ,they have to deal with the relationships

between the boss and staffs.

all in all, from what i have metioned above ,i will choose a staff like that. that's it.


第二个问题wide horizon , konwledgable, full of experience

第三个问题visiting the environment ,workshop of the company

show the culture and history of your company

第四个,I would decide to go further study to get the qualification

take part in the postgraduate entrence exams, make a specific plan,then put it into practice

第五个,首先,technical feasibility ,其次,the market prospect 如何,最后,the technical cost技术成本



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