

03月29日 编辑 39baobao.com

[考研复试的考试内容一般有哪些]1、通常考研复试包括笔试、复试的面试和英语口试,具体的科目总分、占复试的比重因招生单位和专业不同而不同。另外,考生体检工作由招生单位在复试阶段组织进行。 2、每个招生...+阅读



1 what do you miss most in your home?

2 which one do you prefer, on-line education or traditional education?

3 what do you think are the characteristics of a good teacher?

4 every one has some goals, describe one of your goals.

5 do you agree or disagree: people should always tell the truth?

6 who do you admire most? why?

7 long-term contact and first impression, which do you think can help you best to know a person? why?

8 which one do you prefer? live alone or with roomates?

9 describe the most important object to you?

10 novel, maganize or poem, which one do you prefer?



Then we talked to them and do some cleaning and washing for them,because their children can not see them frequently.

I have service experience,I also go to museaum to become a volunteer to introduce for foreigners and do some work for the library,also some volunteer',my answer is yes.Generally speaking.My teacher and my classmates bought some fruits to the hospital.The first service which I still remember is looking after tha aging people in the hospital.I was 15 years old then,and that was a cold winter,you must see or learn how other people do social service.And then,of course,the higher education a person received,the more service he will do for the society.In the education process,you will do the same thing as them.After a long time,a habit will go with youFor the first question.

In my spare time,I often surf the net to find a part time job.They are very lonely,so our help to them is meaningful.After that


A: I heard our neighbor Mr .. lost his wife a couple of weeks ago.

B: Oh . I'm sorry to hear that. I think we should help him out of the deep sorrow.

A: yes ! we should buy something that can cheer Mr.. up. how about a bunch of flowers?

B: no . it's a bad idea . the flowers will wither soon. and it can do nothing to cheer him up. we should buy a dog for him .as everyone knows dog is loyal and understandable .they know the feelings of their master.

A: but .Mr.. suffered a lot . his so weak now. keeping a pet will bring a lot of extra work like feeding them cleaning them.

B: we can help him do those work intially . once they build sensation between each other .Mr.. will back on his feet .

A: OK ! let give a shot .



(1)DO examinations do more harm than good?

(2)It is good for students to have part-time jobs.


(1) Job satisfaction is more important than a high salary.

(2) Discuss the qualities of a successful worker.


(1) All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

(2) Discuss the advantages of a successful worker.

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