
口语话题my dream三十词

03月29日 编辑 39baobao.com


你好!初高中水平的口语话题my dream.I have a dream that one day I can have a robot which works as a family teacher and understands humen clearly enough.Whenever I face difficulties,it will try best to fix them and help me grow step by step.It can act as a teacher, parent,brother,sister as well as close friend.翻译: 我有一个梦想有一天我会拥有一个家庭导师类以及清楚理解人类感情的机器人。每当我碰到困难时,他会努力地解决,帮助我逐渐成长。它扮演者老师,父母,兄弟姐妹以及亲密朋友的角色。如果当它是英语作文的话,这类话题经典,有分量,实际作用大。好好发挥可以得高分。....


4. It is advisable for students to travel to remote areas during the summer vacation. This gives them an opportunity to explore the world by themselves. Through this they can learn many new skills such as : how to take care of themselves, teamwork and surviving skills in an unfamiliar place. Students will grow up eventually one day. It is btter to let them learn about how to live by themselves now than later in their lives.5. Although with modern technology we can travel to places much easier and fast, we can surf the internet and find most resources and answers to questions, however I believe the world has become bigger than before. In the old days, people only knew a very small area. It was hard for them to Imagine what is outside of their small world. Unlike today, we know there are many countries in the world, we can get access to much more information. Our lives have become full of energy and activities. The world today is bigger and much more exciting than before.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to the society. Use specific reasons to support your answer.I agree with this statement. First, when we say society, it means the integration of many things, including immaterial things, like the culture, spirit, films, music, sport, and so on. If there are no artists and musicians, there will be no paintings, sculptures, or songs and music. Can you imagine a life without these? People live in this world is not only for simple existence, but for more. What a wonderful thing it is when you back from work,then sit down and listen to Bach's piano music. or, when you look at Monalisa, you will get charmed at her smile. So, I have to say, the world without artists and musicians will be a boring world. That's why I agree with this statement. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phones can improve our lives greatly? Use specific reasons to support your answer.I totally agree the satement that cell phones can improve our lives greatly. Cell phones offer us mobility in communication, entertainment, information, and so much more. These days having a cell phone is like carrying a mini computer around. Moreover, the increased functionality of our cell phones brings with it lots of new activities, for example, Surfing the internet on your mobile, browsing the latest news, views, and even reviews. All of these stuff can bring us not only convenience but also Time-saving. Therefore, it is obvious to say that cell phones can improve our lives greatly.What do you think is the most important quality of a good working environment: good bosses, friendly co-workers or flexible hours? Explain why?Fo me, I think friendly co-workers is the most important quality of a good working environment. Because everyday we have a lot of pressure at work, if we happened to see our partner greeting us with a smille, it will defenitely help me feel relaxed, and do my best on any tasks. On the other hand, just imagine:if your co-workers are unfriendly ones, they will probably not do their share of the work. They wait until you do most of it and then ask if they can help, knowing well that you completed all the work. So it's terrible for anyone to work in such a working environment with no friendly co-workers everyday.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.Well, I think it is not completely true to say that parents are the best teachers. First, not all parents are good teachers. Most parents are lack of common senses of education. For example, maybe some parents know the answer to a question, but they can't explain and show the reason clear, in other words, they don't know the methods of teaching. Moreover, no parents is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Therefore, parents should leave those professional parts to professional teacher. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.


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