

11月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关爱残疾人的高中英语作文]关爱残疾人Taking care of the disabled people Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as...+阅读

船方不负责装卸、理舱和平舱费 Free In and Out ,Stowed and Trimmed (FIOST)

宣载通知书 Declaration of ship's Deadweight Tonnage of Cargo

垫舱和隔舱物料 Dunnage and separations

整船包价运费 Lump-sum freight

良好天气工作日 Weather working days (W.W.D)

船舶准备就绪通知书 Notice of Readiness (NOR)

例行手续 Idle formality

装卸时间计算表 Laytime statement

延期损失 Damage for Detention

习惯快速装运 Customary Quick Despatch (CQD)

国际海上危险品货物规则(国际危规) International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG)

托运单(定舱委托书) Booking Note

装货单 (下货纸) Shipping Order (S/O)

收货单 Mate's Receipt

装货清单 Loading List

载货清单(货物舱单) Cargo Manifest

货物积载计划 Stowage Plan

危险品清单 Dangerous Cargo List

积载因素(系数) Stowage Factor

进港货 Inward cargo

出港货 Outward cargo

集装箱堆场 Container yard (CY)

集装箱货运站 Container Freight Station ( CFS)

集装箱装箱单 Container Load Plan

集装箱两用船 Conventional Container Ship

半集装箱船 Semi-container Ship

全集装箱船 Full Container Ship

整箱货 Full Container Load (FCL)

拼箱货 Less Container Load (LCL)

提货单(小提单) Delivery Order (D/O)

场站收据 Dock receipt

二十尺集装箱换算单位 Twenty equivalent unit (TEU)

集装箱设备交接单 Equipment Interchange Receipt ( EIR)

滞期费 Demurrage

船员名册 Crew List

航行日志 Log book

班轮运输 Liner transport

不定期(租船)运输 Tramp transport

工 最低运费 Minimum Freight

运费 Maximum Freight

付单提货 Acplish a Bill of Lading (to)

从价运费 Ad valorem freight

回扣佣金 Address mission (Addm)

海损理算 Adjustment

海损理算师 Average adjuster

海损分摊担保书 Average bond

海损担保书 Average guarantee

天灾 Act of God

总运费率 All in rate

年度检验 Annual survey

全部装卸时间 All purposes (A.P)

节省的全部时间 All time sed (a.t.s)

始终保持浮泊 Always afloat

锚地 Anchorage

锚泊费 Anchorage dues

仲裁裁决 Arbitration award

仲裁员 Arbitrator

扣押船舶 Arrest a ship

地区差价 Area differential

( 租船合同)附件 Addendum (to a charter party)

码头前沿 Apron

货舱包装容积 Bale or bale capacity

回程货 Back (return) load

转租合同 Back to back charter

回程运费 Backfreight

空载行驶 Ballast (to)

驳船 Barge

船员不轨 Barratry

桶抓 Barrel handler

垫底货 Base cargo (1)

起运货量 Base cargo (2)

捆(包装单位) Bundle (Bd)

船宽 Beam

提单持有人 Bearer ( of a B/L)

装卸两港 Both ends (Bends)

缆工 Boatman

浮标 Buoy

燃料涨价条款 Bunker escalation clause

吊杆 Derrick

铲车 Fork-lift truck

铲车臂 Boom of a fork-lift truck

互有过失碰撞条款 Both to blame collision clause

洽订舱位 Book space

船体 Bottom

舱底货 Bottom stow cargo

船舶抵押贷款 Bottomry loan

零担 Breakbulk

零担货物 Breakbulk cargo

亏舱 Broken stowage

经纪人佣金 Brokerage

散装货 Bulk cargo

散货船 Bulk carrier

散货集装箱 Bulk container

美国船级社 American Bureau of Shipping (A.B.S.)

法国船级社 Bureau Veritas (B.V.)

沿海运输 Cabotage

运河通行税 Canal transit dues

超宽型船 Capsize vessel

船长 Captain

汽车运输船 Car carrier

汽车集装箱 Car container

货钩 Cargo hook

货载份额 Cargo sharing

货物配载主管 Cargo superintendent

货箱 Cargo tank

短少货物查询单 Cargo tracer

适货 Cargoworthiness

运输量 Carryings

适航证书 Certificate of seaworthiness

责任终止条款 Cesser clause

集装箱拖车 Chassis

理赔人 Claims adjuster

船级证书 Classification certificate

船级公告 Classification register

船级社 Classification society

船级检验 Classification survey


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