

03月22日 编辑 39baobao.com

[专业术语—医院常用抗菌药物的英文翻译3医务英语]专业术语—医院常用抗菌药物的英文翻译(3)头孢菌素类第一代头孢噻吩钠 Cefalotin Sodium 先锋Ⅰ号,头孢金素,噻孢霉素,CET头孢噻啶 Cefaloridine 先锋Ⅱ号,头孢利素,CER,Kafsp...+阅读

1。该工厂现由一名三十多岁的年轻人在经营。(run) This factory is currently run by a young person just over thirty years old. 2.如果你想在一生中有所成就的话,最重要的是树立信心。(essential) It's essential that you have confidence if you want to achieve something in your lifetime. 3.据说这一地区早在两千年前农业就很先进。(It is said that) It is said that this area was advanced in agriculture more than two thousand years ago. 4.事实上,对于这次海难(shipwreck)报纸上的说法不一。(account) As a matter of fact, many newspapers gave different accounts to the same shipwreck. 5.既然亨利教授答应出席会议,我们想请他演讲。(request) We request that Mr. Henry deliver his speech since he has agreed to attend the meeting. 6.孩子们在到处奔跑,老师正在吃力地把他们集拢起来带回教师。

(round up) The children were running wildly everywhere, the teachers were taking pains rounding them up and bringing them back to classrooms. 7.她行医(practice medicine)至今已有三年零四个月了。(to the day) She has practiced medicine for three years and four months to the day. 8.他坚持认为这次实验失败主要由于准备不足(inadequate)。(maintain, due to) He maintains that the failure of the test was due to inadequate preparations. 9.人们通常把美国看成是一个不同民族地大熔炉。(melting pot, view) People usually view USA as a meling pot of different ethnic groups. 10.如果你每晚开夜车工作,身体必然会受影响。(affect) Your health will be affected if you work late into the night everyday.


1.Many American students apply government loan to pay for their study fees.

2.We came to the meeting with high expectation,but we left with great disappointment.

3.Many documentations wait to be signed,but only this contract is urgent.

4.In those days,I read what could I get,as long as it is in English.




If you stay up late workingevery night, your health will surely be affected.


Even if you are one of the best students in the class, in order to maintain your grades you must review your lessons often.


The United States is often viewed as a melting pot of different nationalities.


It is true that some people achieve success very early in life, while others must work a long time before attaining their goals.


He maintained that the failure of the experiment wsa largely due to inadequate preparations.


Researchers now recommend that we take time off every day to project our desired goals onto the screen in our minds.


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