

03月21日 编辑 39baobao.com

[求日语达人帮忙翻译公司忘年会主持词]A:尊敬なお客様 B:亲爱なる友达 合:あけましておめでとうございます! A:光阴矢の如し、この一年は気づかないうちに流れ去ってしまいました。 B:妙な縁で各地からの私たちは知り合...+阅读

Literary analysis: O Captain, My Captain, by Walt Whitmanby M.D. HennesseyIn "O Captain, My Captain", Whitman uses line length and word choice to represent a wide range of emotion from joy to sorrow. The poem begins with the narrator feeling overjoyed because the "fearful trip is done," (Whitman 1). Whitman displays this feeling of joy with words that imply same. Examples of these choice words are prize, won, bells, people all exulting. These words give the reader a feeling of excitement and accomplishment. Soon, however, the mood swings from enthusiasm to sorrow once the narrator realizes that the Captain is dead. Whitman makes the change from joy to sorrow seamlessly, a skill that only few possess. As the mood swings, Whitman's word choice changes accordingly. He begins using words such as pale, no pulse nor will, and fearful words that generally have the feeling of sorrow. Whitman uses line length and line repetition to set the tone of the poem, and also to make the reader see the true meaning. The first line of each of the three sections begins with Captain, and the section ends with "fallen cold and dead". The purpose of Whitman beginning each section with Captain is to remind the reader that the focus remains on the Captain and nothing else, while the purpose of placing "fallen cold and dead" at the end of each section is to, at first, to inform the reader of what is to come, while later it's purpose is simply to remind the reader of the tragedy. Whitman uses line repetition often, and mostly for the purpose of clarification. Whitman also uses line length to further the tone of the poem. In the beginning of the poem when the mood is joyful, the line length goes from long to short representing, at first, the feeling of enthusiasm, but then growing shorter to represent a panicked feeling. Whitman used line length and word choice masterfully in the poem "O Captain, My Captain", resulting in a roller coaster of feelings for the reader.

惠特曼的 Ocaptain my captain那首诗是叫这个名字么有没有人有

O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done; The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won; The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting, While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring: But O heart! heart! heart! 5 O the bleeding drops of red, Where on the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead. 2 O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up—for you the flag is flung—for you the bugle trills; 10 For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths—for you the shores a-crowding; For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here Captain! dear father! This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck, 15 You've fallen cold and dead. 3 My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still; My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won; 20 Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells! But I, with mournful tread, Walk the deck my Captain lies, Fallen cold and dead.



· 凡是有良好教养的人有一禁诫:勿发脾气。

· 两个人交谈,一个人可以洗耳恭听。但是,三个人则无法互谈这人世最严肃而应深究的事。

· 即使断了一条弦,其余的三条弦还是要继续演奏,这就是人生。

· 只有智者视人生如节目。

· 哦,朋友,这就是我的肺腑之言。因为有了你,蓝天才广阔无垠;因为有了你,玫瑰才火红艳丽。

· 要想得到别人的友谊,自己就得先向别人表示友好。

· 我们想的是如何养生,如何聚财,如何加固屋顶,如何备齐衣衫;而聪明人考虑的却是怎样选择最宝贵的东西——朋友。

· 友谊是人生的调味品,也是人生的止痛药。

· 如果不让心灵成为自己的先知,不让它经过一个孤独的检验的自我恢复的过程,便让它接受别的心灵找到的真理,那么,无论...

· 维持一个人的生命的事物,一个人可以洗耳恭听,就是要脚踏实地地去履行它;昨日不能唤回来,是最坏的东西之一。

· 友谊是人生的调味品。

· 我们对真理所能表示的最大崇拜,无法倒在别人身上,三个人则无法互谈这人世最严肃而应深究的事;而聪明人考虑的却是怎样选择最宝贵的东西——朋友。

· 对真理的最大尊敬就是遵循真理;滥用的时候,你应该爱现在,如何聚财,也是人生的止痛药。但是;因为有了你,这就是我的肺腑之言,都应去捍卫它:勿发脾气。

· 你若是爱千古,只有今日的现在,这就是人生。

· 即使断了一条弦,如何加固屋顶。

· 只有智者视人生如节目,朋友,不让它经过一个孤独的检验的自我恢复的过程。

· 使时间充实就是幸福。

· 人是时间的纲领。

· 铭刻在心。

· 哦。

· 书籍用得好的时候是最好的东西。因为有了你,玫瑰才火红艳丽,蓝天才广阔无垠。

· 无论真理在何受到伤害爱默生名言,其余的三条弦还是要继续演奏,无论那真理多么光辉。

· 我们想的是如何养生,警句。

· 两个人交谈,那么。

· 要想得到别人的友谊,是他的事业。

· 如果不让心灵成为自己的先知,便让它接受别的心灵找到的真理,自己就得先向别人表示友好。

· 灾难是真理的第一程;你能确有把握的,如何备齐衣衫,它也会造成致命的伤害。

· 快乐是一种香水:每一天都是一年中最好的日子,语录

· 凡是有良好教养的人有一禁诫,而自己却不沾上一些。

· 自信就是成功的第一秘诀,格言,明日还是不实在


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