

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[问一下.帮忙啊]我有个朋友怀孕11周了.可是老是出血,量不多.也吃了保胎的药,也打针了.不知道还有什么方法吗? 孕期出血的原因和状况因人而异,危险程度也各不相同。虽然有80%的出血不会影响正常的妊娠...+阅读

刚考完英国文学~O(∩_∩)O~1.1)Because Chaucer was the first writer to write with London dialect and he proved that English language is a beautiful language and can be easily handled to express different moods. 2)He created the heroic couplet,and his Cantebury Tales was a masterpiece.2.It gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucer's time.It covers a wide range of characters in the England of the time.What is more,all persons collected with the church,with the exception of the poor parson,are drawn with touches of irony or satire.3.She was the first feminist in English poetry.4.England is far from the European continent....


机械英语的翻译谁可以帮忙一下啊万分感谢First, import measurement system categories: USA - West (Sealo1) Corporation, the United States - Flowserve Corporation, USA - Dura company John John Crane Inte...

计算机作业 WORD文档那位大神能帮忙做一下啊或者是教一下这是详细的步骤: 1. 视图-页眉页脚-输入专业学号姓名-居中 2. 插入-图片-自选图形-从左往右第六个里面选择“横卷形” 3. 拉黑“致新生的一封信”-格式-字体-文字效果-七彩霓...

论语大家帮帮忙啊翻译一下啊孔子说:为人子弟的,无论在家或是出门在外,要孝敬父母,友爱兄弟,处事要谨慎而且讲究信用,有博爱之心并且亲近“仁”。如果做到上面这些还觉得不吃力的话,可以学习“文”。 “仁”是...

几个题目求解!达人帮忙3.B 因为硅胶有吸水性,硫酸亚铁可防氧化,无水硫酸铜不具吸水性,用于检验水的存在。 4.D题目不清,但是Fe3+可以将S2-氧化,生成S单质和二价铁,若S2-过量,可生成FeS沉淀,Al2S3在水溶液...

那位达人帮忙解释一下房产税土地增值税城镇土地使用税的区别1、房产税:你租了一间房子或是你自己的也行,用于经营,月租金500元(自己的房子也要做价)按12%的税率计算500元*12个月*12%=720元(是一年的税金) 2、土地增值税:你用100万元购买了一场...

帮忙翻译一下英文啊 1个小时以内翻译啊要准备and you might not be with her in the future. But if such a person is called silly, I would rather be the first one and try to be such a fool and follyIf you kne...

几道科学问题大家帮忙解决一下!有追加分1B在南印度洋南大西洋中部在夜 2A与大气产生剧烈摩擦,外表变成一团火球 3B在内蒙古阿木古朗草原着陆安全 白天发射温度有利于发射人员工作 4A "神舟5号“飞船在太空绕地球飞行...

帮忙啊翻一下外贸英语函电1) The parties hereby acknowledge receipt of your February 9, 2006 letter, requested by the D / A payment; 2) in accordance with company practice, the payment m...

单精度双精度的存储范围高手帮忙分析一下啊谢谢啊单双精度是以浮点数的方式存储的,详见百科单精度、双精度、浮点型 例如单精度4个字节32为 由最高到最低位分别是第31、30、29、……、0位 31位是符号位,1表示该数为负,0反之。...
