

12月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

Ilia GMAT idioms

Differ from

Regard as(to be regarded as)

¡°Consider¡± never takes ¡°to be¡± on the GMAT?

dispute whether(not¡±if¡±)

They do not know X or Y(not ¡°nor¡±)

Do something at the urging of somebody

To be under pressure to

Just as,,,,,so

Forbid to : prohibit from

So,,,,,as to ¨Cso large as to equal

To he potential to

So as not to be hindered by

Insist that

Capable of

X is related to Y(not X is in realtion to Y)

Discourage from

Like to be at?

Respond to

Be encouraged by

Require that something be (not ¡°are/is¡±)

Request that

The body did as he was told(not¡±like¡±)

As far/long as

For millenium( not ¡°during¡± millenium)

As much with X as with Y

Enough that

Need for

Which piled with standards

PR Idioms

Not so much ,,, as

Defined as

Regard as

Modeled after

Based on

A result of

A debate over

A responsibility to

Responsible for

A consequence of

So ,,,, as to be

So (adjective)that

As good as, or better than

Attribute to

Credited with

Different from

Depicted as

To result in
