

03月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[8月这几场雅思考试口语都考什么题目了]Part 1 1. hometown, 家乡这几年的变化;长沙怎么样? Why do you like your hometown? What's special about your hometown? 2. 在中国,谁起名字?你的名字有什么含义? 3. family,家...+阅读

If I have time and the boss agree to pay overtime salary, I will do it. Because I want more money and I am willing to work for the company. If I don't have time or the boss don't want to pay overtime salary. Then I will leave. Because I can't work for free for a boss, and I have more important things as to do, as to play with my baby, to be with my family. all those are more important than working for the boss.


Well,I agree with this point,actually,we do learn more outside class.First of all,all we learn in class are from outside,such as writing,in our daily life,we need express our views and feelings,we can do it in words,assembling our words in an order,that could be called writing.Secondly,outside class we meet more situations than in class.Such as,when we need express,writing is only one way of expression,and also we can not learn all writing knowledge, outside class,we need consider more angles,including topic relating background,style,writing skills and so on.Thirdly,what we learn is not most important,how we apply what we learn is much more important.The purpose of learning is to apply and solve the problem in our daily lives and work. While we work and live outside class,we apply our knowledge, keep learning new knowledge ,keep correcting what we've got but in wrong.Last, how do we improve knowledge in class?The answer is from outside class,we will meet more and more new things outside class,finally the new things will be concluded and put in class for subsequent students in class.So,surely we learn more outside class,that's the source of class.It is more complicated outside,there are more and more new things waiting for us to discover and learn!


1.你对成年人阅读儿童读物有什么想法? Meaningful:Adult can have an innocent mind and be happy more easily Meanlingless:A waste of time,out of practical use 2.阅读总是有益吗? No,it depends on what you read and how you read it 3导致成功的重要因素是什么? deligence,a great aim,determination,continuous effort... 4.诚实总是最好的对策吗? No, a white lie,for example 5.学习一门新语言的经验? Try to use that languge in communication and think with it as often as possible 6.生活总碰到最棘手的问题? How to make dealings with other people when there are troubles 7.在您的生活中,你觉得幸福的婚姻是最重要的事情吗? not exactly 8.艾滋病感染者应该得到平等的机会去上班吗? /我们怎样才能帮助艾滋病受害者? Yes,people have equal human rights.Try to build their confidence about life 9.最令你钦佩的人 There are many people worthy admiration in different fields.For instance,I admire Liyang because of his passion in practising and teaching English 10.你认为男性比女性更具有竞争力?为什么呢? More active,more energetic


A: Morning, Lily

B: Morning, Cathy

A: Have you take you lunch?

B: No, haven't. Have you?

A: Yes, of course. I just come back.

B: That's good. I will go for lunch several minutes later.

A: Why you not go now? Busy for what?

B: Not busy. Just don't know what for lunch.

A: Ah, what do you usually eat for lunch?

B: Often is rice, sometimes no eat anything.

A: Why?

B: I like rice, but others not prefer. This has with me sice born.

A: OK, just go now, take some rice food. You should take care for your health.

B: Thanks, Cathy. I will go. Bye!

A: Bye, Lily. Enjoy your lunch!

B: Thanks, dear!


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