

11月27日 编辑 39baobao.com


Part II:极速句法


Jane:Hi, Jessie. Are you doing anything on Saturday evening?

Jessie:I don’t think so. Why?

Jane:Well, I’m giving a party and I wonder if you’d like to e. You know, it’s my birthday.

Jessie:It is? Happy birthday! Yes, sure I’d like to e.


Jessie:When do you want me to arrive?

Jane:At 6 o’clock. You know my home, don’t you?

Jessie:Sure I do. Remember I went to your home once, sometime last year?

Jane:Oh, yes. I fot all about it. I’m so fetful!


Lucy:Do you he any plan for the weekend, John?

John:Well, yes. I’m thinking of going to the beach with my dog. But it depends on the weather.

Lucy:Are you going to spend a whole day there if it is fine?

John:Yeah. I’ll swim for a while and then play with my dog in the water and on the beach.

Lucy:That sounds interesting.

John:You can e with us if you feel like it.

Lucy:Can I? Great! When are you going to set out?

John:How about 9:00?

Lucy:No problem.


1.Are you doing anything this evening?

2.I’m meeting some friends at the airport.

3.I wonder if you would like to join us.

4.OK. I’ll arrive at your place at around 6:00.

5.I still remember the day when we went to the mountain together.

6.Oh, I fot all about the meeting!

7.How fetful you are!

8.Do you he any plan for the summer vacation?

9.I’m thinking of going to Shanghai to visit my uncle.

10.I enjoy lying on the beach, sunbathing.

11.It depends on how much money you want to spend.

12.I he to lee for a while. I’ll be back very soon.

13.That sounds a great idea.

14.I don’t feel like eating anything right now.

15.Do you feel like drinking anything?

16.We’ll set out very early in the morning.








美术教研方向和具体工作安排一、级部进行下周的教学活动说课内容。 二、王园长主持美术教研活动 1、观摩小班美术活动《有趣的树》 2、分级部点评教学活动开展情况: (1)小班级部(李慧老师代表):教师关注到了...

上学期小班家长会工作安排新的学期开始了,为了让家长了解幼儿刚入园的一些情况,本学期班级工作的重点,了解我班所使用的教材特点及家长所要配合的内容,特召开本次家长会,具体工作安排如下: 一、首先感谢家...

