

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[写一篇高中生活的英语]Most students who have gone to high school had a lot of involvement in events that would possibly change them for the rest of their lives. Most students have a...+阅读

every week, from Monday to Friday, I have to attend classes in school. each morning, I have to get up at 6:30, and go to school at 7 o'clock.I have seven classes at most every day. at 12 o'clock, I go to the canteen to have lunch. then at 1:30, I begin to have classes and there are three classes in the afternoon, before I leave school, I have some time to do exercises.I go home at five o'clock.


时间荏苒,转瞬已到了2025年.早上,我穿上火箭鞋,一出门,眨眼间就到了希翼航天集团.我先到存物处,把大衣,手提包等放在柜里,推上柜门,这时,从"密码卡"里输出一张AB卡,我拿着AB卡,来到属于我的电梯,一划卡,门开了,电梯载我飞快地上升,到了第六十七层,我走下电梯,进了办公室. 我坐在转椅上,按下了黄色按钮,门窗等自动关上了,窗帘也慢慢降了下来.这时,办公室里很暗,我又按下了红色按钮,各式各样的吊灯都亮了,空调也开了.我又不紧不慢地在办公桌上划了一下卡,桌面以九十度角打开了,一天的办公用品,文件等都摆放在我的面前,同时电脑的显示器上出现了我这一天的工作计划.最后,还有一杯咖啡呢. "滴,滴......"电话铃响了,我急忙咽下咖啡,按下电话按钮."陈思锦,我是李珊珊!""什么事呀?珊珊"没事,只想与你聊一聊,......"我一边与珊珊说话,一边在网上查找火星的资料.一天很快过去了,由于聊天耽误了工作,想下班接着做完,我给父母打了电话,告诉他们今天我不回去了请他们放心. 吃过晚饭后,我很快做完了工作,有玩了一会游戏,该休息了,首先,门窗三层反锁,其次打开空气净化器,最后回到休息室. 二十年后不错吧,让我们一起努力去实现它吧!


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