

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[德国留学动机信怎么写]一、个人信息 包括姓名,出生日期,性别,地址,联系电话和电子邮箱等。 1)西方人经常混淆姓与名,导致录取后发的I20表格上姓名颠倒。然后还得联系学校修改后再邮递过来,很麻烦。所以建...+阅读


Letter of Support


Dear Visa Official,


We are XX's father XX and mother XX. XX has received an offer of admission from a university of Australia. As parents, we strongly support XX to further the study in Australia and would like to afford all the xpenses while studying abroad. We have worked hard for many years and saved a considerable fund, which is enough to support XX to study abroad. We will do our utmost to give XX strong financial support. Your favorable consideration on XX's application will be highly appreciated.

声明人签名:Signature of Enunciators:

日期(年/月/日)Date: (yy/mm/dd)

日期(年/月/日)Date: (yy/mm/dd)


Home address:

联系电话Tel: 86-区号-

邮政编码Zip code


My child My dear children, you'll graduate from college this year, this means that you want to go to work. Work is very tired, but this is for your life and struggle. Don't part with it, don't scold a few words will cry leadership. Be strong, because life is his fight. At the beginning of my work, also very tired, very grievance. But also to dry, after all, is to give you money. Now many young people are not willing to do that, wouldn't do it. The life is too bitter, tired, parents will follow them. But I also love, love you tired. But you still want to work, you will grow. Can let you become mature, will let you grow rapidly and will allow you to taste the taste of life, can let you know the truth of life. Anyhow, many people are at work know what is responsible. So, don't be afraid, don't be afraid. It is good for you.


arvesting rice; rice harvest of the cheerful sound of voices and interwoven success of the harvest of the symphony . Winter, although the trees have been dying, but is everywhere in the roadside grass and wild flowers, which stand at attention in the cold. They tell you: "If winter comes, can spring be far behind?" This is my beautiful hometown, my favorite home


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