

03月14日 编辑 39baobao.com


One day,Lee went to the center to buy some food,when he saw a man eating banana as he was walking. Suddenly ,the man threw the peel away without had a look at it. Lee felt quite angry for what the man had done. He decided to clear the rubbish, so he took the instrument and put the peel into the gargabe can. An old cleaner saw the case. He praised Lee "What a good boy!"


Mr. Li was watching the Olympic game when he asked his son to go and buy him something to drink. When his son returned, he saw Mr. Li crying. "What's wrong, Dad?" Asked his son. Mr. Li smiled and pointed to the screen: " We won the gold medal." Looking at the screen, both Mr.Li and his son cheered for the athelet joyfully.


a child takes an animal to school, and then the child met the teacher.the teacher asked:"where did you get that animal from?" the child said:"its not mine, its the neighbors1"and then the teacher said:"you cant take other people's animals here either, take it back immidietly!" then the child thought:i dont have to go for the lesson if i take the animal back. i'll take grandpa's dog tomorrow too!


Black and gray my childhood memories. among the most profound is mother, and sternly reprimanded with sticks and pushing up the details. of course, that little scamp, i often forget her mother warned : picking up sticks. when cooking and not forget to eat i hurried to get home, my mother was always elaborate care of. until i finished the meal, my mother hurriedly shut the door, from behind the door out to prepare a little, blows hailed down. Sometimes cut his eyeteeth. he stole the armor of weapons, but dared not go home. waiting for elder sister served our dinner for me, but mother and still in night looking for me, and, there is no help for it. then the sister, mother meal is served, and still couldn't i told her mother's hatred.


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