

03月12日 编辑 39baobao.com

[房地产的英语翻译]您是想租房吗?hello, this is real estate agency, can i help you? 租两居的还是三居的?would you like a two-bedroom one or a three bedroom one? 面积需求大概是多大?what...+阅读


Business elite convergence core

CBD硬核中心 CBD hardcore center

纵贯全城南北东西、交通便捷 Run through the four corners of the city , Convenient transportation

2000余个停车位,部分机械停车位 ,贵阳最充足的车位配比 2000 parking spaces , includes some mechanical parking spaces , the most sufficient ratio of parking spaces of Gui Yang

1-7层,顶级商业配套 1-7 floor , Top commercial facilities

8-36层,全球顶配铂金级写字楼 8-36 floor , platinum office buildings with world's toppest-level configuration

18层、37层 转换层(避难层) 18th and 37th floor , conversion floor (refuge floor)

38层以上 索菲特豪华五星级酒店 38th floor and above floors , Sofitel luxury hotel

298米,全城仰望的高度,以全球眼光定制未来 298 meters,the height of the whole city to look up to ,using global vision to customize future

9.3米超高豪华大堂 9.3 meters ultra high luxurious lobby

15部以上国际高速电梯 More than 15 international high-speed elevators

5A智能化系统,智能视觉监控系统 5A intelligent system , intelligent visual surveillance System

钢制网络地板 steel network-floor

首家独创呼吸式玻璃幕墙 the first original breathing glass curtain wall

豪华套房、饕餮盛宴、健身会所 Luxury suites, gluttonous feast,fitness club

超大露天泳池 Large open-air swimming pool



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