

01月09日 编辑 39baobao.com

[护士的英文怎么读]nurse读音是: 英 [nɜːs] 美 [nɜːrs] n. 护士;保姆。 v. 看护;护理;栽培。 A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him. 一位护士来给他包上干净的绷带。 The nurse d...+阅读

Long-term, education-oriented; education plans, the moral education first。 Moral education has been playing an extremely important role in school education。 School education's aim is to impart knowledge and educate people, education is not only to impart knowledge of the task, but also bear the important task of educating people。 In the normal school children in Chinese teaching, as a basic education discipline nature also take this point。 Infant normal school is to train teachers of the future, they are shouldering the arduous task to cultivate the flowers of the motherland, occupation characteristics of early childhood education determines the preschool teachers should have noble morality, perfect personality and the health quality of the mind。

At present, affected by the "employment-oriented" occupation education one-sided understanding, in fact in Chinese teaching, tend to teach in the first place while ignoring the language discipline education function。 Therefore, in the secondary school teachers teaching should attach importance to moral education。The status of the current lack of infant normal school moral education in Chinese teaching in this paper are described。 In the current secondary school teachers in classroom teaching, single teaching content, teaching process, these factors result in the language classroom the teaching focus only on knowledge and ignore the value of knowledge behind the massive education。

The cause of this situation appears, one hand is due to the decline in the quality of students in the secondary vocational school, on the other hand, some educators are one-sided understanding of employment-oriented education about occupation target, visible, in the secondary school teachers in the teaching of moral education is very necessary。 Next, this article from the development of China's early childhood education and vocational school students personal growth to illustrate the importance of moral penetration。

Chinese teaching as a main position of school moral education, necessary conditions are favorable to the moral education, such as the special status of Chinese course in vocational school and the Chinese textbook contains abundant moral factors, based on this, how to carry out effective moral education in Chinese teaching, moral education by what means this article will explain。


照相机英文单词怎么读camera 英 ['kæm(ə)rə] 美 ['kæmərə] n. 照相机;摄影机 n. (Camera)人名;(英、意、西)卡梅拉 [ 复数 cameras ] 【词组】 in camera (法律) 在法官的私室里;秘密地;不公开地 on...

谁来帮我翻译一下照相机的英语啊设置 控制板 向上 (单词打错了 应该是display) 显示器 宽屏 声音 菜单彩色型 类型2 启动开关 关 文件没有复位 重新设定 世界时间 家乡时间 时间戳 关闭 (单词打错 应该是date)...


我想给孩子起个英文名字在外国,名字分教、中名和姓。 教名是父母、牧师取的,中名是孩子自己取得的。 如:David Alson Black (教名)(中名 (姓) 一般来说,你们只要去一个教名就行了. Adam亚当 Albert阿尔伯特(...

请教一下怎样给孩子起个好听又好记的英文名呢以下名字英文好听,中文也好听 男名: Richard 理查德,勇敢 Victor 维克多,胜利者 Charles 查尔斯,大众之子 William 威廉,意志 Henry 亨利,统治者 Peter 比得,岩石 Mark 马克,战神的后...


想给孩子取个英文名字AARON (希伯来)启发的意思,AARON被描绘为不高但英俊的男人,诚实刻苦具有责任感,是个有效率个性沉静的领导者。 ABEL (希伯来)"呼吸"的意思,为ABELARD的简写,大部份的人认为ABEL是高大,强...

给宝贝起英文男名: Richard 理查德,勇敢 Victor 维克多,胜利者 Charles 查尔斯,大众之子 William 威廉,意志 Henry 亨利,统治者 Peter 比得,岩石 Mark 马克,战神的后代 Bill 比尔,果敢 Samuel 塞...

如何用英文礼貌的打断别人说话1. Please excuse me. 不好意思,打扰一下。 2. Let me interrupt for a minute, please. 请让我打断一下。 3. That reminds me… 这让我想起来…… 4. Sorry to butt in. 抱...
