

03月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


I have a classmate called Kate,whose mother is my former English teacher. Kate is a girl who is easy to get along with and we all like her.Kate took the first place in the Speech Contest,which makes her mother happy.The New Year is coming,when Kate will go to Hong Kong together with her mother. As we all know, Hong Kong is a shopping paradise,where Kate intends to buy what she needs.





那夸张且极度赞扬的时候可以用 “依芙莎” is the one who's drop dead gorgeous.(依芙莎就是那个极度靓丽的人“ 这种话对着依芙莎以外的人介绍依芙莎的时候可以用到。

如果可以粗俗一点,那可以改成依芙莎 is the one who's fucking gorgeous. 虽然加了fucking看着听着很低俗,但意思上是一样的,同样是突出依芙莎靓丽过头太美了,淑女气质爆表。

如果要突出其精神面貌,表明依芙莎容光焕发的那种外貌,那可以用依芙莎 is the girl who looks like a million of dollars(字面意思是依芙莎是个看着像100万美元的女孩,但实际就是指精神状态极佳,明艳动人的意思)

如果你要求基础一些,那可以把who is 后面的内容改为一般的形容词和短语,如pretty(漂亮),如beautiful(美丽),hot(火辣),with a nice body(有着好身材的,nice前面也可以增加各类强调副词,如really)

高度的话,一般可以沿用上面的句子,把定语who is tall 补上即可(如班级最高的who is the tallest in the class)。

如果高度上可以天马行空,还可以说Not even 姚明 can beat 依芙莎 in height ,which makes me proud of having such a classmate.( 能拥有一个在身高上连姚明都无法与之抗衡的同学”依芙莎“真是令我自豪)。这里是非限制性定语从句,针对整体事件,你如果想到其它话茬也可以接进去。



以定语从句写一篇英语作文 my school

When I first went into the school gate, see my new classroom and teachers, I thought I would have a new start. The school life is very busy and exciting. There are many activities in our school, such as sports meeting, science week and art week. We all take an active part in it. I have made many new friends, and we often help and learn from each other, in the study of. Our teacher told us a lot of. They not only teach us how to learn, but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. They tell us, is a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing well and many other things. Habit is a second nature, therefore, teachers often remind us to make a good habit.People often say: there is no real learning. Now I think, this is the fact. The study now is far more different than before. I often feel that there are some very difficult to understand a. At this time, you have to spend a lot of time to learn, by yourself or you will not progress. Of course, studies it is difficult but as you progress, you'll find interesting is,.Our school is clean and beautiful. There are many trees and flowers around. In order to make our school more and more beautiful we should try our best to keep it clean. Do not throw garbage, on the ground. Our members Songpu high school.Today we are pound of PU, Pu tomorrow will prounded us


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