

11月19日 编辑 39baobao.com

[掌握常见的10种错误为你的托福写作提分]1、Challenge(1)Challenge sb to do sth .向...挑战,邀请...比赛They challenge us to a swimming contest.(2)to give (accept) a challenge ( 接受 ) 挑战2、Share(1)...+阅读

under the impression ---->get the impression

under warranty ---->be broken

understand ---->be sure think

underwater ---->on wet surface

undo ---->all over again

unfivable ---->can't be fiven

unique ---->different

Unless I can get out of sth.! ---->Sb. be not eager to do sth.

unless sb. has to ---->only when necessary

up to date ---->catch up on

up to one's neck/eyes/ears in work ---->too busy

upside down ---->not correctly

use the stepstool ---->stand on sth.

used sth. dirt cheap ---->very inexpensive

used to be so sociable and open ---->now act less friendly

used to do sth. ---->no longer once

used to live in ---->has moved out of

usually no ---->few

vacuum cleaner ---->dirty

vacuum the rug and polish the furniture ---->do some housework

very impolite ---->show extremely poor manners

very little ---->be limited

wait after rush hour ---->lee later to oid traffic

wait for ---->happy

wait on me ---->bother people

wait till morning ---->do sth. tomorrow

waive ---->make exemption from

Walking is out of the question. Do you he a car? ---->far away

wandering aimlessly carefully planed moves ---->planned their migrations

want ---->wele

want to (A) before (B) ---->not going to (B) immediately

want to go for a swim ---->would like to swim

wash off the chemicals ---->clean vegetables with water

waste indoors make the most of sth. ---->spend some time outdoors

waste one's money team ... lose ---->This game won't be worth seeing.

way ---->route

We can't hear the singer very well from the balcony. ---->Her voice doesn't carry to the balcony.

We hardly ever see them here. ---->They don't e here often.

we would he all been late ---->kept us from being late

wear glasses ---->poor vision

wear out highways ---->the repair of public roads

weekly ---->every week

weigh a ton each ---->too hey for her to lift

well-dressed ---->be particular about

what (out-of-the-way) place ---->where

What for ---->why

what happens to the atmosphere as a result of burning gasoline ---->air pollution

what I don't understand is ---->I don't know

what out-of-the-way place ---->where

What? You mean ... ---->surprise

What's new with sb.? ---->How sb.'s been doing lately?

when ... be over ---->after

when sb. start working ---->in the future

when the bus lees ---->the departure time

When will ... be ready? ---->I've waited too long for ...

whittle ---->sculpt

whole ---->entire much

whole weekend hen't finished ---->very long

Why get upset? ---->over-react

Why not ---->anyway

Why you wait it so long? ---->very useful

will take a while to learn the ropes ---->be not familiar with the work yet

win ... first ---->always lose

window ---->light

with all the other expense ---->can't really afford

with finals ing up ---->near the end of the school year

with traffic this hey ---->not be able to drive quickly

without ... dangerous ---->safe

without affecting ---->relatively little harmful effect

without breaking up ---->remain intact

without one's assignment ---->not finish ones assignment

without shouting ---->not to shout

without sth. ---->unless sb. he sth.

work ---->practice

work force ---->worker

work on ---->do

work out ---->figure out turn out

work the machine ---->use the machine

worry ---->be relieved

worse ---->harder

would ... sunny and warm not ---->clouds and cool temperatures

would be so easy ---->be unexpectedly difficult

Would I ever! ---->like the suggestion

wrap up ---->be finished with be through with be done with

wrap up ---->plete conclude finish

write ---->draft

write to one's folks ---->correspond with one's relatives

writing position ---->work

you and a few hundred other people ---->many students

You are telling me. ---->agree

You could fry the egg on the sidewalk. ---->It's extremely hot outside.






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