
white water前面加上表示颜色的单词那会变成什么意思呢

03月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[snow-white and rose-red]snow-white and rose-redOnce upon a time...A poor widow once lived in a little cottage with a garden in front of it, in which grew two rose trees, one bearing...+阅读

意思是:n. 浪花,浪端的白色泡沫;(浅滩上的)白色水域。

英 [waɪt ˈwɔːtə(r)] , 美 [waɪt ˈwɔːtər]




a part of a river that looks white because the water is moving very fast over rocks

a stretch of white water


white-water rafting



a part of the sea or ocean that looks white because it is very rough and the waves are high


1.white e water surf 激流勇进

2.white e water 浪花

3.White-Water Terraces 白水台

4.White Heath Water Works 名字

5.White-water rapids 急流险滩观白水激流

6.white-water rafting 泛舟

7.white open water 白开水

8.white e water rafting 漂流

9.white waste water 白液

10.white sulfur water 白硫矿水


1、In1990, I discovered white water.


2、Thoroughly tested in a variety of applications including white water and weak black liquor.



white water的更多含义:

whitewater,通常在美式和英式英语中拼写为“white water”,形成的速度很快,当河流的坡度增加到足以产生如此多的湍流时,空气被卷入水体,也就是说,它形成了一个充满气泡或充气的不稳定的水流;起泡的水看起来是白色的。


“white water”一词也有更广泛的含义,适用于任何有大量急流的河流或小溪。该术语也用作形容词,描述在诸如白水独木舟或白水独木舟等河流上划船。


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